Officials from BP will be in Acadiana Tuesday to answer questions about the oil spill. It's the first time a meeting like these is being held in Acadiana. "There's been several other meetings in New Orleans and Belle Chase area, but our fisherman over here are impacted by what's going on over there, so we will have various agencies as well as BP to come and explain some of the details," said Mark Shirley of the LSU Ag Center.
Delcambre shrimper Preston Dore is interested in attending the meeting. "The main concern is, what are they gonna do to clean it up, what's gonna happen to the industry," asked Dore.
Dore and other commercial fishermen can get their questions answered at VN Hall at 1201 North Lafitte Road in Abbeville. The Coast Guard, BP, Wildlife and Fisheries and other agencies will be there taking questions. "They will be able to ask questions directly to BP officials as far as making claims," said Shirley.
Some other topics include: the impact on fisheries, the affects on life cycles of shrimp, loans and assistance and cleanup opportunities. It's something many shrimpers want to participate in, but don't know how to get involved. "I think instead of talking, we need to act," said Dore.
So, Dore has signed up for the Vessels of Opportunity program. He's set to leave this week. Others interested in cleanup or the other topics can attend the meeting for details. It's open to the public, but commercial fishermen, dock owners and processors are encouraged to attend.
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