Okaaaaaayyyy...number one, the wink smiley should have tipped you off that I was teasing RedBug. And I certainly never meant to imply that my opinion was the only one. (Is that remark even something that can be labeled an opinion?) Frankly, I don't think I did. I haven't posted anything that rips on anyone else's opinion, at all. Oh, I'm sorry. I did rip a little on Mineshaft in another thread and told him to "put down the poison" but, all things considered, I don't think I was telling him his opinion didn't count.
I know you have been around football. I have read your posts for a long time now. I actually agree with you on some of these points. I just happened not to post anything about my particular gripes.
I NEVER, EVER called/labeled anyone a bad fan. You can be any kind of fan you like. I may not like it, but I wouldn't give you any ~~~~ for it on these boards. It's not me. I really do take offense to your suggestion that I did "labeled" anyone. I think you took a very benign statement and turned into a lot more than it was meant to be. It was a simple, teasing remark directed toward RedBug, not a slam toward any person who has issues with the football program or its coaching or anything else.
I, too, will be at the game on Thursday night, just like I've been at every other Cajun home game for the last three years with my season tickets. I'll be the crazy chick in Section D3 screaming louder than any other person within 10 rows of me.