There is a rumor going around that starting RB chester failed all of his classes. !!!!
There is a rumor going around that starting RB chester failed all of his classes. !!!!
Say it aint sooooo
Geaux Cajuns
If this is true, it is beyond my comprehension. If he was attending class, but having difficulty in the classroom all he has to do is yell HELP!! There are tutors who can be assigned to help him. If he did not attend class, why didn't the coaching staff know about this delinquency, and do something about it? Please, don't tell me he is a "big boy" and has to learn to take care of himself. Some persons do not have the maturity to do this. There is an obligation on the athletic staff to help this individual so he can succeed in an enviroment that is alien to him.
CajunCharlie must be black!!!! Just joking!!!! Seriously, he is a "BIG BOY." The coaching staff is there to "HELP;" not to go to class, take tests, and follow players around and make sure that they are doing what they are supposed to. If this is true, it is very disappointing, yet I have no sympathy. Coach Bustle is too good of a coach to put up with this type of elementary school BULL_____. These players are getting a free ride all the way through. Other people, like myself, have to work to get themselves through college. If I ever had the chance to have a free education, you can bet your money that I wouldn't screw that up. And if I did, double down that I wouldn't blame it on the coaching staff. GROW UP CAJUN CHARLIE!!!!
I am a student at UL and I have taken classes with some of our football players and needless to say "some" of them are not very good at going to class. They go when they want to and skip when they want to. Unfortunatley, this is becoming a common thing in college athletics. The University can help these students if they are struggling acadmeically by offering them tutoring but, the coaching staff should not have to go to each athletes room and get them up for class. I know its disheartening to hear things like this but these things do happen we can't dwell on them we must move on.
I am grown up EARL. Try 73 years of age!! My post was obviously misunderstood. I am not for assigning anyone to wake someone to go to class. I am for monitoring their attendance. If they are not going to class it behooves someone to have a little tete a tete with the individual. Explain to the individual that he is expected to attend class, that absences without a valid reason (not excuse) are not tolerated, and that the baseball rule of three strikes and your out has been modified to two and you are out, and that he has one strike!!! The student should be informed that if he is having a problem with his studies that tutors are available, but he must ask for help!!That sounds simple and reasonable to me, and certainly does not turn a coach into a baby sitter, which he should not be. Instilling discipline in a students life is paramount. Will you be 100% successful? NO!! But there should be some effort made to help the individual succeed.
Call me crazy...but I view this as a good sign. If some of our guys arent making the grades, esspecially important guys to our team, then there should be no doubt in anyones mind that we have nothing illegal going on in the classrooms of our athletes. We dont have players like Maurice clarrett who can be the only student in his class to take an "oral" exam. I guess it makes me feel safe to know were honest about what we do, good or bad. Just as there are negatives to him faultering, I think it proves that these guys are truly STUDENT athletes, and you cant have one part of that equation without the other.Originally posted by ULtxboy03
There is a rumor going around that starting RB chester failed all of his classes. !!!!
I agree with you Tuffy in that we should be above board. I do not advocate giving one student, just because he/she is an athlete an advantage over other students. Being an athlete does not mean he is not a student. All students should be afforded and opportunity to succeed, but not illegally or surreptitious means.
I agree with both of you. CajunCharlie, I understand you a little clearer now. It just seemed in your first post, you placed the blame on the Coaches. Even so, I promise you EVERY COLLEGE ATHELETE knows that they are supposed to go to class and that they must pass their classes to remain eligible. Key phrase in that last sentence "COLLEGE ATHLETE." You're right; if a student needs help (allbeit a student athlete or not) the school should provide help. It doesn't matter to me whether the coaches or anyone else tried to help them. You all know the old saying, "you can't help someone who won't help themselves." I promise you if one of LSU's top players pulled some _____ like this, he would be looking for a job (i.e. Shyron Carey and Steve Damen). I think, more important than what Johnson did, is how Coach handles it. If this "rumor" is true, Chester Johnson has no place on a team that is working so hard for our coach and community to find its identify.
No harm done Earl! I have said enough on this subject. It will be interesting to see what happens if the rumor is true. Thanks for your input. I respect your right to an opinion, except for telling me to grow up. Man, I don't need any additional aging. I "be" old enough already!! :>)))))
Then in that case, I retract my statement!!!!!!!!!
ALL in All thats not a good thing for Chester man , I mean he is not the best back but he has done some good things his frehman and sophmore year , he is a good lil back , i hope he gets those grades taken care of
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