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Thread: UL Football Logo/ Uniforms

  1. #1

    UL Football UL Football Logo/ Uniforms

    Am I the only one who likes our current uniforms? I like the Red and White. Maybe we can have a alternate uniform of black shirts or something. No offense, but I don't care for any of the proposals for the new helmet (particularly the U). I may get flack for this, but what about a pepper on the helmet? I'd like some thoughts on this.

  2. #2


    I am with you. I like our uniforms also. Personally I love our helmet. I am not crazy about any of the designs that have been posted.

  3. #3


    What about the flaming fluer di lea that we both have as our logo?

  4. #4


    I replied to another post & asked Turbine to create a helmet like our current one but with a stripe & Louisiana on the front.

  5. #5


    I really like that idea. Again, I think Ragin Cajuns is a name unlike any other, and would be better for national recognition.

  6. #6


    I agree totally.

  7. #7


    I wonder what a black jersey, white pants and black helmet with the burning logo we use would look like?

  8. #8


    Peppers for GREAT plays!!!!!!!

  9. #9

    UL Football

    I think the black helmet with the flaming Fluer logo with black jerseys and white pants looks good. Kinda like this Texas Tech photo.

  10. #10


    I also like the peppers for good plays idea.

  11. #11


    How about a Penn St. looking uniform.

    Solid Vermillion jersey, same on the helmet with a black or white stripe.

    On the side of the sleve they could put a patch like the Saints once had:

    Take out the letters, change the colors up and put the UL fleur on Lafayette (possibly bigger and make it overlap the state outline).

    That would look classy, IMO. Make it look like we've been at it for a while. The best uniforms in college football (Michigan, Notre Dame, Penn St., USC, LSU) all look classy yet are simple. We don't need stripes down every seam of the uniform.

    Penn St. uni's:

  12. #12


    I couldn't agree with you more. I don't like the "new age" uniforms. The simple uniforms IMO are the best looking ones. I think we have nice uniforms now. Maybe a tweek here and there would be okay, but I don't think we need a major overhaul. Our uniforms now look like a division 1-A uniform. We couldn't say that 7 years ago. We looked like a JV team then!!!

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