OK, Lets get things straight on this thread?:
1. The former assistant coach boiled the pot and was not Loyal to HM, so he got let go (As he should) for his role in throwing the HC under the bus. No one on here is talking about his poor decisions.
2. Pictures......What pictures are you talking about??? Be Specific and quit hiding behind the facts! If you know at all!
3. Dont get on here and say "Water Under the Bridge" and then keep commenting on this thread.
4. The ladies Volleyball Program is going in a new direction and the recruited players are maybe going to be better than what they had in the past? If its not broke dont fix it. HELLO, the Volleyball program is not a big winner at the momment. So when the change happened and the Honeymoon was over certain players and parents got their feelings hurt when "my little miss perfect/all american (In your parental eyes) got told that she was just not good enough to help the team.
5. The Admin. not answering your calls, emails, or questions? HUMMM..... sounds like and Admin taking a stand for their head coach? Maybe they KNOW a little more FACTS on the matter than you do, or you think you do?
6. In closing it sounds like a bunch of parents/players/ex assistant coach are all left with SOUR grapes. Its not club volleyball, its DI athletics. Also its a Buisness. I just hope you all dont go to your daughters future BOSS and complain when little miss Suzie/All American doesnt get the job, pay raise, or promotion?
7. If there are facts state them??