During the early night of April 30, 2010, Rayne Police Officers observed Brian A. Henny, 25, who was wanted for possession of property stolen from area residents and/or businesses. Brian Henny attempted to flee from officers and after an electronic control device was deployed, was taken into custody. When arrested, Brian had a concealed weapon, 17 pills containing MDMA (Ecstasy) and 14 pieces of cocaine base (crack).
In addition to the outstanding warrant for possession of stolen items, Brian is charged with Resisting an Officer, Possession of a Schedule II CDS: cocaine base under 28 grams, Possession of a Schedule I CDS: MDMA and Illegal Carrying of Weapons.
Brian Henny is currently is under the supervision of the Louisiana Department of Corrections Probation and Parole Division, which has placed a detainer on Brian that prevents him from being released on bond until his charges are addressed in court.
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