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Thread: What do you think of this helmet

  1. #25


    The only possible legal question with this will be whether or not the University of Miami would come after us for using their logo as part of ours!!

  2. #26

    Default Re: I like it, BUT...

    Originally posted by NOCajun
    I think it would be better to keep the helmet we have and put LOUISIANA across the top of the jersey over the numbers. And if any lsu@$$holes say anything about it, we simply tell them WHERE TO STICK IT!!!!!!!
    I totally agree Jack, we need to leave the helment as is and put Louisiana across the top of the jersey. It is simple but will be seen easier on the jersey than the helment.

  3. Default

    Tremenda Tremenda Tremenda
    In other words, I like it.

  4. #28


    Hey Turb......

    Can you put this helmet on "UL Man"????

  5. Default

    Originally posted by ATXCajun
    Perfect. Seriously. It's perfect. It's simple. It has staying power. It doesn't have a white stripe down the middle (which I have always hated). The logo is a picture, not words that can be attacked by local lawyers.
    Not that I'm pushing it but would you like to see the version with the tapered stripe?

  6. #30

    Ragin' Cajuns

    How about this: Tapered stripe and outline the logo in either black or maybe silver to bring it out more. Of course, I still think we may end up getting a long nasty-gram from Miami if we actually used it...

  7. #31

    Default new helmet

    coach Bustle seems to like it also, I love it. Must get to the right people to get this thru. This is big time and will get the name LOUISIANA out for all to see. We need someone to flood the market with Louisiana, NOT UL, UL Lafayette just LOUISIANA like Texas. Lets go big time now. How can I get the helmet under my username I don't know very much about my computer. I think this is the best way to say Louisiana without saying it.

  8. #32

    Ragin' Cajuns

    "How can I get the helmet under my username I don't know very much about my computer."

    You may not be able to get the helmet with the logo on it, unless Turbine's placed a smaller version of it in his Avatars section. You CAN get the logo by itself like I have it by going to Index(at the top of the page), then click on Private Messages, then Edit Options, then scroll to the bottom of that page and click on Change Avatar. You can scroll through the avatar pictures and pick the one you like.

  9. #33

    UL Football Helmet

    I must reiterate my opposition to this helmet. It is a copy of Tech and Miami(Fl) helmets.

    We chastise ULM for their Florida St. helmets. Wouldn't this be kinda the same thing?

    I would almost rather the tri-fleur over this.

  10. #34

    Ragin' Cajuns

    I wouldn't say it's a copy of the Nechsters helmets. Anyone should be able to use the outline of the state. The more I think about it, though, there are a few well-known logos being duplicated right now. You mentioned one, I also think about University of Delaware's use of Michigan's helmet logo, and I'm sure there are others. In fact, I think it's perfect because it can't possibly be misconstrued for anyone else AND the Evil Empire couldn't possibly come up with a reasonable objection to it.

  11. #35

    UL Football helmet

    The example given of Delaware is telling. Most copycat logos are of a 1-AA team emulating a 1-A team. I don't want to fall into that trap.

  12. Default

    Originally posted by HOTBOUDIN
    I must reiterate my opposition to this helmet. It is a copy of Tech and Miami(Fl) helmets.

    We chastise ULM for their Florida St. helmets. Wouldn't this be kinda the same thing?
    Good question, I don't think just because you utilize a similar aspect of something that it is a copy. There are dozens of Universities that have a "U" on their helmet, there are only so many ways to depict a "U"

    It is true that Miami is alone in how large the "U" is, other than that they tell you nothing. They certainly don't have carte blanche on the letter "U" or the size of it. Since the letter "U" is universal in collegiate sports, I doubt a large "U" would draw much attention.

    An example of not having carte blanche and no one caring -might be- Tulane and Louisiana Tech. Personally I have never looked at Louisiana Tech's logo and thought that big "T" on Louisiana Tech's logo is the same size as the "T" on Tulanes logo. Not only both D1a but both in the same state.

    I certainly don't think Louisiana Tech has the market cornered on Louisiana or we would never have gone after "University of Louisiana." I don't even have aproblem with an "L" right on the State, though I do think you have more of a case with that style.

    How about it?

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