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Thread: Ragin Brass

  1. Default

    I thought the announcement could have been sooner, at least before the team came back.

    And I think the "I-love-UL" hand signs I have been promoting would be great, especially while waiting for the team to shoot free throws.

    Geaux Cajuns

  2. #38

    UL Basketball

    Cheerleaders & dancers were great thur. But I don't think my cousin was dancing that night but w/ the makeup I might not have reconized her.

    what other band name inputs were some favorites?

  3. #39


    We only got to hear a couple of other candidates, but one of the other more popular ones was "The Ragin Ruckus." Someone wanted to call us "BT and the Double Dribblers." Outside of those two, I can't remember many more. One proposed by the band itself was "The Cajun Boogie WonderBand." Sounds funny? It was supposed to be!

  4. #40

    Default The Band Seats and Basketball Court

    After attending the last three games I'm amazed that anyone connected with the basketball program hasn't moved the band from the seats behind the goal by the Cajun bench to the seats nearest the goal by the visitors bench.

    The coaches and players must have a hard time during time outs hearing each other whereas you want to rattle the visitors huddle.

    I guess it's up to coach and if he is happy I am happy, just confused about the location.

    Just in case anyone thinks I'm criticizing the band, not so. I think they are great. I just think they should move

  5. #41

    Default Re: The Band Seats and Basketball Court

    NCAA mandates that your band has to be so far from the visiting team. They could not sit in the same spot on the opposite side of the court.

  6. #42

    Default Re: The Band Seats and Basketball Court

    Thx. Answers that question.

  7. #43

    Default Re: The Band Seats and Basketball Court

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    _ NCAA mandates that your band has to be so far from the visiting team. They could not sit in the same spot on the opposite side of the court. _
    How did you change the logo and remove the 's from Louisiana's? Looks great! Please send that to Dr. S and our AD and let's start a movement to use that logo instead of Louisiana's Ragin Cajuns. We have LOUISIANA on the football field and on our uniforms (except the women's basketball unis) and our SID uses Louisiana in all of his press releases. So, why do we still have LOUISIANA'S Ragin Cajuns as our logo? Inquiring minds want to know. Is there anybody at UL who has a clue on how to market or even gives a damn for that matter? I am seeing little evidence to the contrary.

  8. Default Re: The Band Seats and Basketball Court

    Oh man, I would have LOVED to sit next to the opposing team when I was in the Ragin' Brass. It would have made getting into their heads a whole lot EASIER!

  9. #45

    Default Our basketball band is awesome

    I give the football band a lot of crap but our basketball band is top notch. Thought I should post something positive tonight.

  10. #46

    Default Re: Our basketball band is awesome

    Definatley sounded great, and they were really into the game

  11. #47

    Default Re: Our basketball band is awesome

    I agree. The band sounded great!

  12. #48

    Default Re: Ragin Brass (merged)

    Sorry, not going to provide a name, but just an observation. Maybe I'm old school from the Shipley era. It seem the band was more interested in completing its play list. Looks like a scripted program like on a radio. The band doesn't need to play all 30 tunes it has practiced but get the crowd into the game and keep them there. Respect only once, come on......its UL's song right next to the FIght Song.

    If were not scoring or losing get the crowd going so the team hears you. When you are ahead keep the crowd going.

    One thing I noticed is many times it seemed like the band was the only ones cheering, nice. Carry that one step and work with the cheerleaders to get everyone involved.

    Good luck the rest of the season.


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