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Thread: Ragin Brass

  1. #25


    Anyone know why they did not announce a winner at the Loyola game for the Name the Band Contest? Or did I just miss it somehow?

  2. #26


    My Choices:

    "The Ineligibles"
    "The Chronically Ineligibles"
    "The 'Don't blame Jesse' Orchestra"
    "The "Buck doesn't Stop here' Band"

  3. ooh LA La. Thank you for entering the Name the Basketball Band Contest

    We had over 83 different suggestions. I am sorry to report that we were unable to announce the winner at last night's game. Due to the amount of entries, not all of the judges could pick a winner by game time on Monday.

    With the upcoming winter break and exams, along with the basketball schedule, we have decided to announce the winner at the January 15th basketball game.

    In addition to the prize package that will be awarded, we will also unveil a new look for the band with polo shirts embroidered with the new logo and name. Thanks for understanding and I wish you all good luck!


    Mr. Brian S. Taylor
    Assistant Director of Bands
    Director, The Pride of Acadiana Marching Band
    University of Louisiana []

  4. #28


    They didn't announce the winner last night because, apparently, it's still waiting to be approved by the university higher-ups. It's going to be coming soon, though...either at one of the home games during the winter break or at the first game in January. I'm as excited to know what the name's going to be as you are.

  5. #29


    You are either NEW to the area or are really NOT a backer of UL if your going to SAY and POST using an accronym ull!!!!!!!!!

    Get with the program, LSUAMBR, backer!!!!!

  6. Default

    Somehow I missed it, what did they decide on?

    I can't believe I didn't win.

    Geaux Cajuns

  7. #31


    I forgot about it also

  8. #32


    They haven't announced it yet. They'll announce the winner durring the South Alabama game on Thursday 1/15.

  9. ooh LA La.

    "Ragin Brass"

  10. #34


    I beliver the announcer mentioned the spectacular performance by Ragin' Jazz.

  11. Default

    I thought he said "Ragin Brass"

  12. #36


    "Ragin Brass" it is. Thanks to all those who submitted names. Good luck to the Jazz and Cheerleaders, though, as they leave tomorrow for National competition. Good performances tonight. They had me fired up as much as one of the dunks from the game, and that pretty much never happens for dancing and stuff!

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