Rumors are swirling about a possible FBI search over the weekend in Acadia Parish. Residents say bloodhounds and German shepards were nosing around in Crowley on Friday, and Iota on Saturday. The problem is more questions remain than answers, and law enforcement agencies are not speaking up.
The Iota police chief says it was a training exercise. The FBI says it's being handled by the Jeff Davis Parish Sheriff's Office, and the Jeff Davis Parish Sheriff's office says the investigation is being handled by Acadia Parish. Meanwhile, resident's in Iota, like Tonia Bertrand remain concerned, "We'd like to know what it was about. You know, we live in a small town, and when something like this happens you feel kind of unsafe." Bertrand says things like this don't happen in Iota.
Witnesses say the FBI blocked off the main road in Iota, Duson Ave to search, but we don't know why. Iota Resident, Natalie Pousson says she heard about it on facebook, "I was reading the FBI came to Iota and was looking for the serial killer from the first three girls killed in the Jennings murders." Pousson says she also read German shepards and hounds were trying to trace the smell from the serial killer.
Regardless of the rumors, all the facts as to why the FBI came to Acadia are not being released . We'll keep following this story and bring you information as it develops.
Sarah Rosario
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