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Thread: 42,000 Gallons A Day

  1. Default 42,000 Gallons A Day

    NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Officials say there will be no shoreline impact from an oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico for at least another three days.

    Crews were ramping up Monday to protect the coastline after an oil rig exploded off the Louisiana coast nearly a week ago. A remote sub is trying to shut off an underwater oil well that's gushing 42,000 gallons a day from the site of the wrecked drilling

    Homes SO Clean

  2. Default 42,000 Gallons A Day...

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    The Daily Meaux

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  3. Default Spill threat grows - The Daily Advertiser

    GULF SHORES, Ala. (AP) — Alabama officials are getting ready in case the state's beaches and wetlands are hit by an oil slick from the petroleum rig that exploded and sank off the coast of Louisiana. State environmental officials held a conference ...

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    Daily Advertiser

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  4. Default Crowley - Oil spill could devastate coastline

    After releasing a press release Friday stating that no oil was leaking from the Deepwater Horizon platform rig which had an explosion, burned and then sank last week. Initial reports were proven incorrect last week.
    What appeared to a manageable spill a couple of days ago after an oil rig exploded and sank off the Louisiana coast Tuesday, has now turned into a more serious environmental problem. The new leak was discovered Saturday, and as much as 1,000 barrels — or 42,000 gallons — of oil is leaking each day, Coast Guard Rear Adm. Mary Landry said.
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    Crowley Post-Signal

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