• Class attendance is regarded as an obligation as well as a privilege, and all students are expected to attend regularly and punctually all classes in which they are enrolled. Failure to do so may jeopardize a student's scholastic standing and may lead to suspension from the University.

  • Faculty members shall keep a permanent attendance record for each class. These records are subject to inspection by appropriate college or university officials.

  • Faculty members shall develop and implement their own absence policies. The determination of what constitutes "excessive absence" rests with the instructor alone (with the exception of authorized and approved University sponsored events noted below), but must not be less than the University minimum of 10% of the total class meetings.

  • Faculty members are required to state in writing and explain to their students their expectations in regard to both class attendance and makeup work due to all absences prior to the close of the first week of classes during a regular semester and the third day of classes during a summer session.

  • All students shall submit to the instructor justification for the absence(s) after the student returns to his/her respective class. However, if the student has prior knowledge that he/she will miss certain classes, justification should be submitted to these instructors in advance of the absences.

  • If the instructor feels there has been a violation of the Code of Student Conduct (e.g. 15.16 - Furnishing false information ... with intent to deceive) the student should be referred to the Department of Student Personnel for possible disciplinary action. If the student feels that he/she has been unfairly denied an excused absence, the student may appeal first to the Department Head of the course and then, if necessary, to the Academic Dean of the course, who will consider the case and attempt to resolve the problem. If the case cannot be satisfactorily resolved at these levels, it will be referred to the Dean of Students who may refer the case to the Ombudsman. Final appeal in such a case will be to the Committee on Academic Affairs and Standards for undergraduate students and to the Graduate Council for graduate students.

  • Extended absences due to illness or other circumstances beyond the student's control should be reported by the student to the Dean of Students. The Dean of Students will notify the instructor(s) of the circumstances surrounding the absence.

  • Students are responsible for all classwork missed, regardless of the reason for the absence. Immediately upon the student's return to class a conference should be arranged with the instructor to determine what action, on the student's part, is necessary to compensate for the time lost and materials missed due to the absence.

  • When a student accumulates justified or unjustified class absences which are considered excessive (except absences incurred due to authorized and approved University sponsored events such as necessary academic field trips or debate, judging, and intercollegiate athletic team travel), the instructor may recommend to the student that he/she withdraw from the course prior to the deadline printed in the schedule of classes. If a student chooses not to withdraw from the course, the instructor will award a grade to the student at the end of the semester or session which is in keeping with the class policy on attendance which was distributed at the beginning of the semester or session (refer to IV.B.3. above).

    The source of the info.