Lafayette Gazette March 1, 1902 Baseball Team Organized Now that the football season is over the boys at the Industrial Institute are about to organize a baseball team: in fact, the necessary equipment in the shape of masks, stomach protectors, bats and balls, have already been ordered, and it will not be long ere the people of Lafayette and vicinity will have the pleasure of witnessing a match game between these boys and a team from some neighboring town. It is needless to say that everyone wishes them success in this new field sport the same success that has characterized their every effort in the past to establish the supremacy of the Industrial teams, and hold on high the colors which have not yet known defeat.
A match game as well as various other out-door sports, will take place some time in March, to see which a small entrance fee, say 25 cents, will be charged. The sports will be such as to attract a large number of people and a gala day is expected. Let everyone turn out.