I continue to be amazed that UL will not allow the Ragin Review guys to interview UL Coaches and/or players. It seems to me that by allowing these types of interviews, fans would get a chance to know these guys/gals more as people and not just bodies on a field or court. This in itself could possibly lead to better attendance at times. I am a fan that tries my best to support our teams the best I can, regardless of the situation. But others may be more inclined to attend games if they feel they have a more personal relationship with the players and coaches by getting to know them through such interviews.
Personally, I know that I have had a mostly positive change in my opinion of the Coaches of teams that the Ragin Review guys have interviewed from OTHER schools we have played or will play! Why could not the same thing happen by listening to interviews of our own people?
If you are a UL Administrator reading my post, please get off of your "high horse" and start operating like a MAJOR University and start allowing others to interview our Coaches and players like all of our competition is apparently happy to do!