This coming week will be of great importance to SBC Softball in general and to UL Softball in particular. Of course we want everyone we have played already to win; but in this post, the focus will be on our games and the games being played by the 8 conference teams that we will play this season.
Our games: These have been discussed already, but it bears repeating that we must win at least 2 of the 5 games we play in this time frame. Anything less than that is not good; anything more is a blessing.
Our conference opponents games [in the order we play them]:
Marshall [RPI 188]: They play 2 each against Loyola [Chicago] and Buffalo and single games against Valpo and Liberty [40]. The first three are very bad. We need Marshall to win all five of the bad games. A win against Liberty would be nice, but isn't happening.
ULM [RPI 60]: This is an interesting case. There is some confusion over the schedule at the North Alabama tournament, but I believe they have Samford [73] twice and one each with N. Alabama [32] and Detroit Mercy [262]. We need them to win at least 3 of these 4. For us, it doesn't matter which 3, but a N. Alabama win would be good for ULM and the conference. If ULM wins all 4, they will have a chance to reach the Top 50 RPI by season's end: That is huge for them, and great for us as long as we win at least 2 of 3 from them.
Coastal Carolina [RPI 28]: Coastal has 3 games with S. Dakota [183] and one each with Charleston Southern [238] and South Carolina [3]. We need Coastal to win all 4 trash games, and a win over South Carolina would be huge for Coastal and good for the rest of the conference, getting them very close to a top 25 RPI.
Troy [RPI 79]: Troy has 4 against UMass [202]. Even playing these games is not good; losing one or more would be awful. Troy is likely to drop in RPI, even with a sweep. Still, they can keep a top 75 finish in sight.
JMU [RPI 81]: JMU plays 2 each against Binghamton [66] and Radford [200] and one each against Fordham [134] and UVa [38]. They must beat Radford twice and Fordham and at least one of the 3 others. JMU can possibly reach an RPI of 75 or better by season's end.
South Alabama [RPI 105]: The Jags have 2 games each with LSU [9] and Minnesota [113] and one with Alabama [19]. Winning 2 of the 5 is a must. Winning 3 likely puts them at or near the 100 RPI spot. Regardless, USA is probably going to be Top 100 at worst by season's end.
Texas State [53]: The 'Cats have 3 with Missouri State [225]. They are doing rain dances in San Marcos. Even playing these games will cost them a spot or two in RPI. Regardless, a Top 50 finish is likely for them.
USM [88]: The Mustard Buzzards are doing rain dances as well. They have 3 games with ND State [218] and one each with Alabama St. [268] and UMES [309]. Only rainouts will keep their RPI above 90.
The good news is that the level of competition will be higher than usual across the board in the SBC; helping all teams in the conference reach or maintain higher RPI, if they help themselves.
The bad news is that the level of competition will be higher than usual across the board in the SBC; making it more difficult to win the conference.