That the Daily Advertiser doesn't cover UL very much!
That the Daily Advertiser doesn't cover UL very much!
A. I. baby!
They've adopted the UL model... outsourcing.
Funny. Change only a couple of key words and just leave it in there. The amount of gas stations in the Lafayette, La area is laughable. Same with car washes and storage facilities.
Go talk to a homeowner that lives within 1k feet of a gas station, especially any recent new ones.
I know one elderly couple, insurance has tripled. Have heard similar from others. Not to mention constant traffic and individuals advertising their future need for hearing aids.
That was an unstated issue, insurance costs, with the proposed one on University near Jeanne Street.
Would somewhat agree with car washes and storage facilities. But if they weren't filling them up, they wouldn't keep building them. Like water, it'll find it's level. Gas stations/convenience stores on the other hand, I have no problem with. Reason is in the name...convenience.
Still, this is embarrasing. I wonder if they have discovered they placed a story about a city not even in our state under the "local" section. Would like to hear their response concerning their oversite. Acadiana Advocate is a far better choice for not only news about the Cajuns, about our area overall. As far as cajun sports goes, Kevin Foote covers us as well as anyone ever has.
The other thing residents quickly regret are speed bumps on an existing street in a residential area.
First to move are people adjacent to the speed bumps. 24/7 squeaky cars, not to mention a wide variety of music and exhaust tuning. Political leaders have started warning constituents when they request speed bumps. In other words, don’t come complaining if you asked for it.
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