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Thread: Oaks Along Cajun Field

  1. #37

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    Not at all. I am really worked up over the stupidity that left the trees in the view of the 65 million dollar beautification investment. The trees didn’t make that decision. It’s not their fault.
    Your Move!
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  2. #38

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    How many store fronts, restaurants, bars, theaters… have you seen in your life time with huge trees or anything else blocking their ability to be seen from the road? I can recall 0 in my 55 years. I don’t know how you define impede or obstruct a view? I define them as to when something is being blocked by something else and it enables one to see the blocked object. As of this morning on my way home from Reds the view of the 65 million dollar stadium was impeded / obstructed from the trees in front of it from both Bertrand and Congress.
    It’s really not an obstructed view. The view from Bertrand/Congress is magnificent!

  3. #39

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    My answer would be is that the trees in question do impede the beauty of the 65 million dollar facility. I could ride around the main campus or go to Girard park and see all the trees one could ever want to see. I don’t see the purpose in building a 65 million dollar facility and hide it with trees. I mean they are just freaking trees. We talking about trees just move them as they are out of place where they stand now.

    I love how some of you on here could swear we are talking about murdering a baby or something. We talking about moving a few freaking trees.
    Some of us just have a personal preference of the beauty of live oaks > a stadium facade. I don't think anyone here ever said they want to preserve trees because of tree-hugging preservation, we just like the beauty of live oaks.

    If you look at any architectural rendering of any project period, architects make sure to include plenty of well-established trees to make their project look better. Twice now you've invoked the politically charged issue of abortion in this thread, I think you need to go take a walk and enjoy some trees my friend.

  4. #40

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by RedTails View Post
    Some of us just have a personal preference of the beauty of live oaks > a stadium facade. I don't think anyone here ever said they want to preserve trees because of tree-hugging preservation, we just like the beauty of live oaks.

    If you look at any architectural rendering of any project period, architects make sure to include plenty of well-established trees to make their project look better. Twice now you've invoked the politically charged issue of abortion in this thread, I think you need to go take a walk and enjoy some trees my friend.
    Would someone post updated pictures of the stadium and how the trees are obstructing a view of it?

  5. Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    How many store fronts, restaurants, bars, theaters… have you seen in your life time with huge trees or anything else blocking their ability to be seen from the road? I can recall 0 in my 55 years. I don’t know how you define impede or obstruct a view? I define them as to when something is being blocked by something else and it enables one to see the blocked object. As of this morning on my way home from Reds the view of the 65 million dollar stadium was impeded / obstructed from the trees in front of it from both Bertrand and Congress.
    Perfect, yet you still knew it was there.

    As it should be.

    Grab a digital version if all you want is to look at the design unencumbered.

    Geaux Cajuns

  6. Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Wait until all the construction is complete, materials gone, and site is cleaned up. Think everyone will be happy.

  7. #43

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    Would someone post updated pictures of the stadium and how the trees are obstructing a view of it?
    Ill have this opportunity tomm.

  8. #44

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    Would someone post updated pictures of the stadium and how the trees are obstructing a view of it?
    The trees are fine. I think people are just trying to cope with the fact that our new, renovated football stadium is shorter than our baseball stadium and we can't fill either of them.

  9. #45

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunFun View Post
    I suppose that depends on whether we want to change who we are to impress outsiders, or whether we're confident in ourselves as we are.

    Our 1st president founded the American Live Oak Society, with members across the South & beyond. On the 1st day of 1900, he planted the 20th Century Oaks that ring the original campus. He cultivated oaks on campus, and sold them to other Louisiana universities. Some of the oaks at LSU & Tulane apparently came from little SLII.

    "Better one's own path, though imperfect, than another's well-made."
    We are LOUISIANA. Oak trees (at least the most magnificent ones) are LOUISIANA. Not only are they a staple of the University, but they are a staple of our home and our culture. I'm no tree hugger, but having grown up here and attending UL, I associate oaks and cypress with my University and my home. Aesthetically speaking, my only heartbreak is that no effort has been made to somehow deal with the trees that have been lost, so as to maintain the best visual appeal possible. That could mean replacing those that have been lost, or even removal of a few trees to allow others room to grow and/or further enhance the view.

  10. Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    I totally get the obscurity factor from the road since the stadium looks half as tall as before.

    I still think a walk way around the stadium close to the architecture with giant Oaks (not just a parking lot) just beyond is going to give the best overall experience.

    Geaux Cajuns

  11. #47

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Buds View Post
    It’s really not an obstructed view. The view from Bertrand/Congress is magnificent!
    I pass it 10 times a week on my path home. We must have a different view. All I see is trees. My buddy with a business on College Dr passes it every day too he said the same exact thing unsolicited.

  12. #48

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunCool View Post
    We are LOUISIANA. Oak trees (at least the most magnificent ones) are LOUISIANA. Not only are they a staple of the University, but they are a staple of our home and our culture. I'm no tree hugger, but having grown up here and attending UL, I associate oaks and cypress with my University and my home. Aesthetically speaking, my only heartbreak is that no effort has been made to somehow deal with the trees that have been lost, so as to maintain the best visual appeal possible. That could mean replacing those that have been lost, or even removal of a few trees to allow others room to grow and/or further enhance the view.
    So would the University think an Oak Tree better reflects our culture?
    Oak tree mascot?

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