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Thread: Oaks Along Cajun Field

  1. #13

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Some of the most beautiful homes built have front yards with large gorgeous oak trees that somewhat hide the front of the homes . I see this in the same way.

  2. #14

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunFun View Post
    I suppose that depends on whether we want to change who we are to impress outsiders, or whether we're confident in ourselves as we are.

    Our 1st president founded the American Live Oak Society, with members across the South & beyond. On the 1st day of 1900, he planted the 20th Century Oaks that ring the original campus. He cultivated oaks on campus, and sold them to other Louisiana universities. Some of the oaks at LSU & Tulane apparently came from little SLII.

    "Better one's own path, though imperfect, than another's well-made."
    Since the time of our first president everything outside of the quad was constructed. Just to rattle off a few, Griffin, Legacy Park, Vet Village, Cajun village, they new area by the Red Zone store, the new student union, BI Moody, Bourgeois, Moncla, Cajun Field, Tigue Moore, Cajun Dome, the APC, the research park on cajun dome across congress street. Can you either confirm or deny that no Oaks were injured in the construction of any of these buildings?

  3. #15

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by GeauxCajuns View Post
    Some of the most beautiful homes built have front yards with large gorgeous oak trees that somewhat hide the front of the homes . I see this in the same way.
    In my home I want to keep people out and not make them curious about what’s on the inside. In a brand new state of the art stadium you want people to see it and become curious about what it looks like on the inside. I see this as 2 totally different situations.

  4. #16

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    In my home I want to keep people out and not make them curious about what’s on the inside. In a brand new state of the art stadium you want people to see it and become curious about what it looks like on the inside. I see this as 2 totally different situations.
    Your head is as hard as oak if you think not having those trees mean people set foot in CF because of curiosity? What are you sniffing...

  5. #17

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    We should have removed the oaks and replanted them on the inside of the stadium. Between the hedges? Shiddddd we had that as well as Georgia. Bet nobody could say they played between the oaks.

  6. Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Million dollar architecture partially hidden by landscape makes it billion dollar architecture.

    Imagination filling in the blanks is priceless.

    You can recruit to the imagination and partially obscured only makes you more interested, wanting to see it from different angles.

    Geaux Cajuns

  7. #19

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post
    Your head is as hard as oak if you think not having those trees mean people set foot in CF because of curiosity? What are you sniffing...
    People who are already cajuns fans will be there. I will bet my bottom dollar people will go to at least a game or 2 that hasn’t been in years out of curiosity. The fan I am talking about has never been a Cajuns fan, maybe even just moved here and drive by this great new big multimillion dollar structure daily, and gets curious to see what it looks like on the inside. As it stands now you can’t even see that great big new beautiful structure from the road.

    Are you suggesting that Lafayette doesn’t show up for something new in town out of curiosity? Do you live here? If you don’t think so then your head must be as hard as the brick that the oak trees are hiding.

  8. #20

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Yes. I live here....and yes, I am hard headed...and you're just wrong about this...I guess I'll just cut down the 100 year old oaks on my property...I'm curious what the folks in the ____ hole subdivision are up too.

  9. #21

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Unless it's a historical tree (ie Evangeline Oak)....I will not get emotionally attached to any tree/firewood/lumber

  10. #22

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    We should build it look like the dl Horton subdivisions that have No trees at all. We can have the spec home of stadiums and really draw out the youngsville crowd.

    (No offense to youngsville residents or subdivision dwellers)

  11. #23

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Leave the oaks. You want to see the stadium, get closer. I can care less about the view from the road. A lot of stadiums are crammed in downtown areas where you wouldn’t even get a distant view. I’d like the grass area to eventually have parking towers along Bertrand kind of enclosing the whole area.

  12. Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    People who are already cajuns fans will be there. I will bet my bottom dollar people will go to at least a game or 2 that hasn’t been in years out of curiosity. The fan I am talking about has never been a Cajuns fan, maybe even just moved here and drive by this great new big multimillion dollar structure daily, and gets curious to see what it looks like on the inside. As it stands now you can’t even see that great big new beautiful structure from the road.

    Are you suggesting that Lafayette doesn’t show up for something new in town out of curiosity? Do you live here? If you don’t think so then your head must be as hard as the brick that the oak trees are hiding.
    You said "new" and "curiosity"

    Obviously the stadium is new. Anyone who doesn't know that either will never step in a stadium or has never seen a squirrel.

    So the stadium is new and the oak trees provide curiosity through partial obscurity.

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