I can tell you me and the wife had a serious discussion about this upcoming season being our last one buying season tickets and donating to RCAF. I have been a season ticket holder and donor since I graduated in 2012. I have had to travel 2-4 hours to Lafayette for every home game since 2014. Doing that with children, animals, and pregnant wife. But it just keeps getting more difficult to financially support an organization that continually is trying to price out the life blood of this fan base. Do we have such a demand that this change was needed? We all know the answer to that. What was once a lively Cajun Field, even in the lean years, is becoming a barren wasteland. Expect even more as you push out families. I’ll pick and choose the games I attend and the rest I’ll enjoy from the comfort of my home where I don’t miss a quarter of the game waiting for a water bottle that may all be out by halftime.