What really needs to happen is that something must be put in place to allow vendors at sporting events, even if Sodexo remains.
I understand the reasoning behind not allowing people to have tents and BBQ pits without paying, but if you remove one option, you need to create an avenue for another.
We need a designated area where local vendors, food trucks, tents, tables, and chairs can be set up all day, creating that special atmosphere we all miss and crave at football games. The same goes for baseball and softball; the entire experience needs to be revamped to make it the best available for fans, encouraging them to keep coming back.
This is the only way to grow the fanbase without relying solely on winning, and it’s essential for staying relevant and bringing in more revenue.
Exploiting the fans who actually come to the game by offering subpar food options at outrageous prices is a disaster in the long run!
Maggard and company need to get out of there comfort zone and go to get out on Sunday, and go to Church Point, Mamou, Eunice, Broussard, Scott and all these small town parades. Just think of it like a study, on what the people of acadiana are looking for!! Show up and see how many vendors are walking up and down the streets, and all these people just sitting around in there lawn chairs just hanging out and talking!
Do not sit in your little box an hour before the parade starts go out and talk to people!!