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Thread: UNO has a big problem

  1. #2

    Default Re: UNO has a big problem

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Worked there for 5 years about 15 years ago, and the writing was on the wall then. Sad to see, as there are some tremendous people there.

  2. Default Re: UNO has a big problem

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunSID View Post
    Worked there for 5 years about 15 years ago, and the writing was on the wall then. Sad to see, as there are some tremendous people there.
    Were you there when their admin pretended the school didn't need the advertising value that athletics brings?

  3. #4

    Default Re: UNO has a big problem

    UNO still has 6,500 students there so its unlikely the campus completely closes up. Either merge it with SUNO next door or since already part of U of L system make it a satellite campus of UL or Nicholls or Southeastern. Chop off a bunch of admin overhead & exit D-1 athletics. Carrying 14 college athletic teams must be costing them (and Louisiana taxpayers) a fortune. Will take our Governor's leadership to enact some restructuring.

  4. #5

    Default Re: UNO has a big problem

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Were you there when their admin pretended the school didn't need the advertising value that athletics brings?
    Yes..tried to go DIII, which was the spark for me to leave. Chancellor at the time is a good man, but a combination of misalignment between athletic dept and his office and (of course) Hurricane Katrina aftermath was too much to overcome.

    The stories during that time are amazing.

  5. #6

    Default Re: UNO has a big problem

    They used to host a flag football national championshop, do they still do that? I remember delgado was always a contender

  6. #7

    Default Re: UNO has a big problem

    Imagine that: a school where 90 pct of the people have a preferred favorite team that comes from a scho that kicked them out of their system, and took associated resources away, what could possibly geaux wrong

  7. Default Re: UNO has a big problem

    Quote Originally Posted by R1Letterman View Post
    Imagine that: a school where 90 pct of the people have a preferred favorite team that comes from a scho that kicked them out of their system, and took associated resources away, what could possibly geaux wrong
    ……Need SuNO merger now to stop the bleeding……Tulane, Loyola, Delgado, Xavier, and a couple more! Too many I think!

  8. Default Re: UNO has a big problem

    Quote Originally Posted by R1Letterman View Post
    Imagine that: a school where 90 pct of the people have a preferred favorite team that comes from a scho that kicked them out of their system, and took associated resources away, what could possibly geaux wrong
    The question after UNO burns down, who’s next? NSU, Nicholls or McNeese.

    I look for LSUS to be the next LSU system reject.

  9. #10

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: UNO has a big problem

    Not surprising. They've been going through all this for the last 25+ or so years. Call me old-fashioned, or just OLD, but I miss the traditional U(S)L/UNO rivalry for basketball and baseball!!

  10. #11

    Default Re: UNO has a big problem

    True! Stop at buds broiler then wqtch some hoops. Theyd say "go to hell usl", ha

  11. #12

    Default Re: UNO has a big problem

    Remember that health and p.e. bldg? Sign said "H&PE" but looked like HOPE, ha

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