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Thread: Saving Collegiate Athletics . . .

  1. #1

    Support Saving Collegiate Athletics . . .

    The great institution of American college athletics almost perished in its infancy. In 1905, due to 45 deaths caused from in-game football injuries during the prior five years (including 19 deaths in 1905 alone), there was broad outcry to outlaw the sport. This movement was crystalized by Harvard President Charles William Eliot, who mounted a campaign to abolish the game.

    Today, more than a century later, college sports once again face an existential turning point. It will result in either fortification or destruction of this uniquely American system that provides opportunity to hundreds of thousands of young people and intrinsically cultivates American values.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Only Washington can save Collegiate athletics . . .

    I wish President Trump would make college athletics Great Again!!!!!

  3. Default Re: Only Washington can save Collegiate athletics . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    The great institution of American college athletics almost perished in its infancy. In 1905, due to 45 deaths caused from in-game football injuries during the prior five years (including 19 deaths in 1905 alone), there was broad outcry to outlaw the sport. This movement was crystalized by Harvard President Charles William Eliot, who mounted a campaign to abolish the game.

    Today, more than a century later, college sports once again face an existential turning point. It will result in either fortification or destruction of this uniquely American system that provides opportunity to hundreds of thousands of young people and intrinsically cultivates American values.
    Oh, they’ll unionize the whole darn thing while killing a long standing American tradition.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Only Washington can save Collegiate athletics . . .

    The NCAA 16 sport minimum rule for FBS members (14 for non FBS) is ripe for an anti-trust challenge. If the law now supports 'free markets' for athletes why not free markets for college athletics? Can the NCAA continue forcing universities to lose millions on purpose on so many non-revenue sports? Maybe each conference decides the minimum as they already decide which sports to sponsor? College athletics are training grounds for future Olympians but do we need all 364 D-1 schools carrying 14 or 16 sports? Seems excessive.

  5. Default Re: Only Washington can save Collegiate athletics . . .

    Words of wisdom...

  6. Default Re: Saving Collegiate Athletics . . .

    It’s over, the gauntlet has been thrown down. Just a matter of time.

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