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Thread: Winter Wonderland 2025 (Be Safe)

  1. #1

    Louisiana Winter Wonderland 2025 (Be Safe)

    Driving in Snow and Ice?

    Don't, unless you've done it before. If there is ice, 4 WD won't help you. If you do ,drive Tuesday, coast across bridges and overpasses, and always...tap your breaks. Drive slower too.

  2. Default Re: Driving in Snow and Ice?

    Thank you so much

  3. Default Re: Driving in Snow and Ice?

    Even if you grew up where winter driving is the norm, stay home. Cajuns and driving on ice for the most part is not pretty. Had an employee years ago from Ohio. I gave him the above warning. He ignored me, but apologized after going out, drove 4 blocks and returned home.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Driving in Snow and Ice?

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Thank you so much
    PSA baby

  5. #5

    Default Re: Driving in Snow and Ice?

    Most places where it snows each winter, the roads are treated to keep ice down...
    If it's just snow, 4WD will get you through it.but if there is any ice mixed with snow...don't try it.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Driving in Snow and Ice?

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Even if you grew up where winter driving is the norm, stay home. Cajuns and driving on ice for the most part is not pretty. Had an employee years ago from Ohio. I gave him the above warning. He ignored me, but apologized after going out, drove 4 blocks and returned home.
    It will be a truck rodeo Tuesday and Wednesday...

  7. Default Re: Driving in Snow and Ice?

    I remember driving back from New York (after the Buffalo Bills 4th straigh Superbowl) through Tennessee in a snow storm.

    Crawling along a 1984 Honda Civic.

    I probably caused multiple accidents behind me but I was glued ahead.

    Over a hundred mile stretch (three hours) I came across three 18 wheelers, around 4 trucks and a half dozen cars just sitting in the ditch.

    All one vehicle incidents, they had just slid off the Interstate.

    I said then "never again."

  8. #8

    Default Re: Driving in Snow and Ice?

    How is it riding a bicycle in snow?

    Asking for a friend that might want to ride to Moncus park to slide down the giant hill lol

  9. #9

    Default Re: Driving in Snow and Ice?

    Quote Originally Posted by facelessjonmoon View Post
    How is it riding a bicycle in snow?

    Asking for a friend that might want to ride to Moncus park to slide down the giant hill lol
    Gave up biking 40 years ago....It will be a trudge if we get what the weather guys are saying....6+ inches ain't no joke....I know, that's what she said....

  10. #10

    Default Re: Driving in Snow and Ice?

    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post
    PSA baby

    Piggy backing on this. I know some people have job where you have to go and if you have to go be prepared. I always had a winter safety kit I had in the trunk that I would put in November and kinda forget about it till I needed it. Then a couple 18 wheelers would jack knife on an off ramp and I would be stuck for hours. I can see this happening Tues/Wed.

    Most important thing i would say is stay warm. Throw a couple old blankets in the trunks, extra socks and some warming packs if you have them. You get out in the snow trying to dig out, and your feet are now wet and you're miserable until someone can come help. Sometimes that can be awhile.

    Anything that helps you stay comfortable is a plus. Snack are a plus but high protein stuff are good at keeping you warm. Beef jerky and granola bars. Extra battery packs, water jug and a pee jug also go in my kit along side a small shovel and some kitty liter just incase. Never had to use the kitty liter and shovel Thank God. Y'all stay warm and safe.

  11. Default Re: Driving in Snow and Ice?

    Thanks Jeaux

    I might bookmark this

    Geaux Cajuns

  12. Default Re: Driving in Snow and Ice?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeaux View Post
    Piggy backing on this. I know some people have job where you have to go and if you have to go be prepared. I always had a winter safety kit I had in the trunk that I would put in November and kinda forget about it till I needed it. Then a couple 18 wheelers would jack knife on an off ramp and I would be stuck for hours. I can see this happening Tues/Wed.

    Most important thing i would say is stay warm. Throw a couple old blankets in the trunks, extra socks and some warming packs if you have them. You get out in the snow trying to dig out, and your feet are now wet and you're miserable until someone can come help. Sometimes that can be awhile.

    Anything that helps you stay comfortable is a plus. Snack are a plus but high protein stuff are good at keeping you warm. Beef jerky and granola bars. Extra battery packs, water jug and a pee jug also go in my kit along side a small shovel and some kitty liter just incase. Never had to use the kitty liter and shovel Thank God. Y'all stay warm and safe.
    BT,DT. Great advice! Won’t need it here, but was alluded to. Small shovel in kit. On a Cajun road trip, a side trip to see Touchdown Jesus resulted in hitting black ice in a zero visibility lake effect blizzard. Snow was high as car’s roof on driver’s side. We dug the car out on 3 sides where we could run the car safely and stay warm until help showed up an hour or so later. Pre cell phone days.

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