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Thread: Branding Cajun

  1. Louisiana Branding Cajun

    Cajun as an identity but also a brand

    Homes SO Clean

  2. #2

    Default Re: Branding Cajun

    Louisiana could be our identity but Cajun could be our brand!!!

    Branding is the process of communicating a company's values and culture to its audience

    while brand identity is the visual and verbal representation of a brand.

    Brand identification means LOGOS, communication, media anything visual, anything written.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Branding Cajun

    Louisiana can serve as the broader identity, representing the unique culture, heritage, and community of the state.

    Cajun can then be the brand that highlights the vibrant, lively, and spirited aspects of that identity.

    That doesnt mean you couldn’t use Ragin Cajun or Cajun as branding identity with Louisiana like logos and such.

    By emphasizing "Louisiana" as the overarching identity, the school can promote a sense of pride and connection to the state. At the same time, the "Cajun" brand can capture the distinctiveness and energy that set the university apart. It's a way to balance both the broad appeal of the state and the specific cultural flair that makes it unique.

    Here's how it can play out:

    - **Louisiana Identity**: Represents the rich history, diverse culture, and strong community ties. It can be emphasized in official communications, academic achievements, and outreach programs.
    - **Cajun Brand**: Showcases the fun, energetic, and spirited elements. It can be highlighted in athletics, events, merchandise, and promotional materials.

    By strategically using both, the university can foster a appealing image that resonates with a wide audience.

  4. Default Re: Branding Cajun

    Include Louisiana The Sportsmans Paradise and Cajun Culture's love of nature and wildlife.

    Outside branding agencies only see the music and the food. Not what got them there.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Branding Cajun

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Include Louisiana The Sportsmans Paradise and Cajun Culture's love of nature and wildlife.

    Outside branding agencies only see the music and the food. Not what got them there.
    Exactly!! There is so much more

  6. #6

    Default Re: Branding Cajun

    Speaking of branding Cajun!!

    What if we did this? I know y'all are going to say soccer crest, but Cajun can be branded in different ways with the brand identity being Louisiana.

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  7. #7

    Default Re: Branding Cajun

  8. #8

    Default Re: Branding Cajun

    Part of me still thinks it is a shame that we, as a lower budget program, have to spend so much time, effort and resources on branding, when many of the "big boys" got their branding for almost free, and no cost involved in overcoming opposition to the branding. Their brands were blindly accepted, no questions asked, and then further disseminated for free by the espns of a classic rich get richer case study. The biggest problem being that those resources could have spent on other things to help us be more competitive directly

  9. #9

    Default Re: Branding Cajun

    "Branding for Dummies" is available on Amazon..

  10. #10

    Default Re: Branding Cajun

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    This thread ...

  11. Default Re: Branding Cajun

    Quote Originally Posted by R1Letterman View Post
    When it comes to Harvard of the South, we R1

    Geaux Cajuns

  12. Default Re: Branding Cajun

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin9221 View Post
    Speaking of branding Cajun!!
    Love it

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