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Thread: Albineaux Phase Three is HERE

  1. Default Re: Albineaux Phase Three is HERE

    Quote Originally Posted by EdwinStephens View Post
    Do you really not understand why the university would not want to be associated with a mascot named after a medical condition?
    It is not a medical condition in as much as it is a genetic condition on one end of the melanin spectrum.

    If you are ok with other ranges on the melanin specrum you shouldn't have a problem with this awareness.

    Its a feature.

  2. Default Re: Albineaux Phase Three is HERE

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun4life View Post
    Also, it’s a F’n mascot. It’s not a name change or change from Ragin Cajuns. Just like Cayenne and the dumb bulldog.

    How did Yellow Banana mascots ever get through? Some, sort of human liver disease had to be, at play.

    Its a mascot grups, separate the need to self identify beyond a cursory connection.

  3. #39

    Default Re: Albineaux Phase Three is HERE

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun4life View Post
    Also, it’s a F’n mascot. It’s not a name change or change from Ragin Cajuns. Just like Cayenne and the dumb bulldog.
    This right here

    For those complaining- come up with something better . The University's last attempt was a flaming dildo for crying out loud

  4. Default Re: Albineaux Phase Three is HERE

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    The concept of "a work in progress" answered that question for me so early on, I never gave it the time of day.

    I'm surprised anyone would ask that question on an evolving concept.
    The concept of a work in progress isn't on trial here. It's the fact that all of this feels incredibly forced, and for no reason. His heels are absolutely dug in on the fact that this needs to be an albino gator, despite many people including prominent donors, opposing it for various reasons. The phase 3 addition of the "well he's actually meant to be pro-albinism" two years after the fact comes off as disingenuous and doesn't address their concerns, and it completely misses the point of why a university would rather not have their brand associated with a condition.

  5. #41

    UL Tennis Re: Albineaux Phase Three is HERE

    Quote Originally Posted by EdwinStephens View Post
    The concept of a work in progress isn't on trial here. It's the fact that all of this feels incredibly forced, and for no reason. His heels are absolutely dug in on the fact that this needs to be an albino gator, despite many people including prominent donors, opposing it for various reasons. The phase 3 addition of the "well he's actually meant to be pro-albinism" two years after the fact comes off as disingenuous and doesn't address their concerns, and it completely misses the point of why a university would rather not have their brand associated with a condition.
    White, or albino like i said if our colors are navy blue and gold the gator wouldnt be albino or white. I am sure the only reason it is white ( albino) is because our colors are red and white. This already has been to much as a topic of discussion. Instead of saying why the alligator has to be white, is to avoid some controversial, societal, politcal backlash, am sure he is trying to make that negative into a positive.

  6. Default Re: Albineaux Phase Three is HERE

    Quote Originally Posted by EdwinStephens View Post
    The concept of a work in progress isn't on trial here. It's the fact that all of this feels incredibly forced, and for no reason. His heels are absolutely dug in on the fact that this needs to be an albino gator, despite many people including prominent donors, opposing it for various reasons. The phase 3 addition of the "well he's actually meant to be pro-albinism" two years after the fact comes off as disingenuous and doesn't address their concerns, and it completely misses the point of why a university would rather not have their brand associated with a condition.
    I haven't seen a single valid reason for opposing an albino sideline spirit booster charicature of something that really exists and has zero negatives associated with it other than the fact that it prefers "Louisiana Saturday Nights" which in my mind is a positive.

  7. Default Re: Albineaux Phase Three is HERE

    Quote Originally Posted by facelessjonmoon View Post
    This right here

    For those complaining- come up with something better . The University's last attempt was a flaming dildo for crying out loud
    I’ve only seen a handful of people try to bring up an option that isn’t a mascot of the past.

  8. Default Re: Albineaux Phase Three is HERE

    Quote Originally Posted by EdwinStephens View Post
    The concept of a work in progress isn't on trial here. It's the fact that all of this feels incredibly forced, and for no reason. His heels are absolutely dug in on the fact that this needs to be an albino gator, despite many people including prominent donors, opposing it for various reasons. The phase 3 addition of the "well he's actually meant to be pro-albinism" two years after the fact comes off as disingenuous and doesn't address their concerns, and it completely misses the point of why a university would rather not have their brand associated with a condition.
    What feels forced? Who’s forcing anything? The only people who could see this as forced are naysayers who think Albineaux is wildly unpopular and I’m just continuing to do this in spite of that. But when I show evidence to show otherwise, that’s never enough. We have a poll on here (that I didn’t start) with 750 die hard Ragin Cajuns fans, and Albineaux won with almost 70% approval.

    If Albineaux wasn’t liked or a good idea, the news wouldn’t keep asking me to come talk about him. Just Google him. What fan led initiative has more news articles than Albineaux right now? Did you see all the pictures of him in the Lafayette? I didn’t create those images nor did I ask the people to do them. They were all made by people that believe in this project.

    The narrative that I’m being disingenuous for albinism advocacy and only popped up when I faced criticism is WRONG. Read the quote from in this article from A YEAR AGO.

  9. Default Re: Albineaux Phase Three is HERE

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunGrad16 View Post
    I’ve only seen a handful of people try to bring up an option that isn’t a mascot of the past.

    The alligator is the oldest mascot rep of the past that Louisiana has and is why the Swamp was fenced off from the football field when LSU played here in 1902.

  10. #46

    Default Re: Albineaux Phase Three is HERE

    Quote Originally Posted by AirBill View Post
    I mean, why the F not? It's only one of our two school colors.

    I swear, Martin Hall — which has about as much imagination as a box of rocks — reacts like this every time an idea comes from outside of it. It's never good enough.

    Fix the name if you don't like it. If you don't like the color, then why have white as a color in the first place?

    Or come up with something of your own if you think you can do better.

    Cory, this is a great idea that deserves to be considered. If it doesn't happen, I'm really sorry, but you won't be the first person whose bright spark of creativity gets snuffed out by mediocre, insecure minds. You're destined for great things sir.
    You are asking the wrong person. Don't shoot the messenger.

  11. Default Re: Albineaux Phase Three is HERE

    Are you saying you never reached out to the media on this? Look, it is a terrible idea and if you look at the comments on Big102, you'll see an overwhelming (more than 90%) oppose the idea, including the man who wore the Cajun Chicken suit. Let it go. Florida can be the Gators and we can focus on being the Ragin' Cajuns!

  12. #48

    Default Re: Albineaux Phase Three is HERE

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginRoar View Post
    Are you saying you never reached out to the media on this? Look, it is a terrible idea and if you look at the comments on Big102, you'll see an overwhelming (more than 90%) oppose the idea, including the man who wore the Cajun Chicken suit. Let it go. Florida can be the Gators and we can focus on being the Ragin' Cajuns!
    Those are the people who are leaving comments, thats not the majority of people. Of course the people who are most opposed will be the most vocal. Thats not the majority

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