Happy New Year Ragin Pagins!
This Saturday I’m going to release the Phase Three presentation for Albineaux. It will focus primarily on his in game and tailgate skit potential (i.e. more focus of him as a character and not just an image). I will also be releasing the official gofundme campaign to raise money to build the suit. I already had several talks with the owner of The Mascot Company, and will be showing y’all their proposal for Albineaux in the campaign. It’s a very exciting document!
My tagline for this phase is: “It Has to Happen Organically”.
If anyone studies the history of the most prominent spirit leaders in college athletics, they see a thread of characters that didn’t come from marketing firms, but from the passion of enthusiastic fans wanting to make a difference at gamedays.
The Cajun Chicken was the only organic spirit leader we ever had. Now it is time to fix that by creating a character that will outlive all of us. With y’all’s help, we’ll create a clear representation of The University of Louisiana. We’ll have a character that reflects and can enact scenarios from the culture we live everyday.
Saturday is the reason why I haven’t asked anybody for a dime within the past three years I’ve been working on this. For any supporters that would spend any money on merch, I pray that you are in a position to help bring Albineaux to life first.
If you want to help outside of donating to the campaign when it’s launched, you can spread the word about Saturday, or (even more fun), start thinking of Albineaux skits yourself and post them here. I’m still writing some of them so there’s time for some of them to make into the presentation.
Happy to be another step closer to making history with the best fanbase in the world. Geaux Cajuns.