Tea party activists are marking tax day in the capital city they love to hate.
Wearing T-shirts with the date "April 15" and carrying signs that read "Don't Tread on Me," the protesters are rallying in Washington's Freedom Plaza. Slogans include "We Want Regime Change," "Down with the Government Takeover," and "Waterboard Bernanke." On a sunny spring day, some American flags are waving upside down in the breeze.
Tea party activists also have organized local events in Oklahoma, Ohio, Wisconsin, Hawaii and Georgia to concide with today's deadline for filing federal income taxes. Lafayette's scheduled Tea Party is set to begin at 4:30 in front of the federal courthouse.
The Tea Party Express cross-country tour began nearly three weeks ago with a rally in Nevada that drew at least 9,000 people and Sarah Palin. Palin is one of the few politicians embraced by
the conservative, anti-tax movement, though she's not scheduled for today's finale in Washington.

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