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Thread: PORTALet

  1. #565

    Default Re: PORTALet

    Quote Originally Posted by RedTails View Post
    I'm a bit of an amateur when it comes to the history of amateur athletics, but shouldn't your ire be with the Universities of Oklahoma and Georgia suing the NCAA in the 1980s to be commercialized? Can even go back decades before that with the SEC valuing athletics over education in some early 1900s spats between the SEC and whatever conference existed before the PAC (PCC?)

    Think the NCAA had its regulatory hands tied behind its back for a really long time now, and the big boys have had the keys to the pad this whole time.
    Oh you can go back much farther than that. Don’t remember the exact years from the book I read but Yale decided to take control over their rowing team in the early 1900’s when they realized how much money the team had raised.

    My ire is with the adults who never acted like adults. What you have today is an overcorrection to years of not allowing players to make money. Using the idea of amateurism as the excuse. If the adults would have looked out for the future and not just themselves, we’d be in a much better place today.

  2. Default Re: PORTALet

    I want reparations for the death penalty.

    How dare Shipley loan players his car keys and ask them to fill up his tank.

    How about a $Billion

  3. #567

    Default Re: PORTALet

    Quote Originally Posted by Clutch0364 View Post
    Oh you can go back much farther than that. Don’t remember the exact years from the book I read but Yale decided to take control over their rowing team in the early 1900’s when they realized how much money the team had raised.

    My ire is with the adults who never acted like adults. What you have today is an overcorrection to years of not allowing players to make money. Using the idea of amateurism as the excuse. If the adults would have looked out for the future and not just themselves, we’d be in a much better place today.
    This right here, the chickens are coming home to roost.

  4. #568

    Default Re: PORTALet

    Great point about the adults, although many of those adults "grew up" in the same system

  5. #569

    Default Re: PORTALet (et exit team)

    Quote Originally Posted by CAJUNSby90 View Post
    Title 9 complicates the ____ out of this arguement
    And yet some of the biggest NIL deals have gone to women; and those are mostly real NIL, not booster money. See Clark, Buechers and Watkins, all with 8 figure deals.

  6. #570

    Default Re: PORTALet (et exit team)

    Quote Originally Posted by VObserver View Post
    And yet some of the biggest NIL deals have gone to women; and those are mostly real NIL, not booster money. See Clark, Buechers and Watkins, all with 8 figure deals.
    Done by companies trying to be inclusive.

  7. #571

    Default Re: PORTALet

    They got 8 months to finish this thing!!!

  8. #572

    Default Re: PORTALet (et exit team)

    Quote Originally Posted by VObserver View Post
    If NIL is truly NIL [Hint: It isn't] the NIL deal would follow the player to his new destination. Also, if NIL were truly NIL, the NIL deal would not have a requirement to enroll at any specific institution, though it might have requirements to enroll in a certain level of institution or a sliding scale of payment dependent on the level of the institution chosen by the player, or on the TV revenue of the conference in which said institution resides.
    Great point!

  9. #573

    Default Re: PORTALet (et exit team)

    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyCajun View Post
    trying running a business without paying the labor and see how long you stay open, the ncaa and univesities got away with it for quite a long time.
    So who are the employees in this scenario? Just staff and STUDENT athletes? If you're equating athletes as employees, then ALL students at the university need to be paid. And what would you call a paid tuition? That's not free....somebody is paying for it.

  10. #574

    Default Re: PORTALet (et exit team)

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    So who are the employees in this scenario? Just staff and STUDENT athletes? If you're equating athletes as employees, then ALL students at the university need to be paid. And what would you call a paid tuition? That's not free....somebody is paying for it.
    No such thing as student athletes anymore.

  11. #575

    Default Re: PORTALet (et exit team)

    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyCajun View Post
    Same with NFL but they get to split $255 million between 53 guys and get lifetime pensions, because they are the product.
    Then sit out of college football until you're eligible for the PROS. See how that works out. can go get a fully paid education, nutrition, free gym, strength training and a program for you to showcase your ability for the next level.

    Now I understand we're not putting the toothpaste back in the tube. But this is unsustainable. This generation and the adults perpetuating all this equate the word "fair" with "entitled". You want to get paid for your "NIL", great. Whoever pays it, your payment goes with them to the next stop. You want more than a free education, gym, nutrition, training, platform, etc...Great, you leave, you pay back what was given to you.

    And now that I typed all that, I realize how "get off my lawn" I sound and how nothing I think or say will matter. LoL! Enjoy what's in front of us now, and let the chips fall where they may, I guess.

    By the way, if you have about 4 hours that you need something relaxing, zen, and non stressful to watch....this was time well spent.

  12. #576

    Default Re: PORTALet (et exit team)

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    Then sit out of college football until you're eligible for the PROS. See how that works out. can go get a fully paid education, nutrition, free gym, strength training and a program for you to showcase your ability for the next level.

    Now I understand we're not putting the toothpaste back in the tube. But this is unsustainable. This generation and the adults perpetuating all this equate the word "fair" with "entitled". You want to get paid for your "NIL", great. Whoever pays it, your payment goes with them to the next stop. You want more than a free education, gym, nutrition, training, platform, etc...Great, you leave, you pay back what was given to you.

    And now that I typed all that, I realize how "get off my lawn" I sound and how nothing I think or say will matter. LoL! Enjoy what's in front of us now, and let the chips fall where they may, I guess.

    By the way, if you have about 4 hours that you need something relaxing, zen, and non stressful to watch....this was time well spent.

    All I’m saying is, how long did you think adults were going to take in billions of dollars and AD’s and coaches make millions in salary before the athletes (the product) were going to want their cut? That is what was unsustainable.

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