Really excited about this game regardless of how many show up. Reading through the Facebook group I'm seeing 3 to 4 people who don't have a problem with the pricing for this game for every whiner. It is a shame though to see those who choose to complain about this. Had a family member come up to me at a birthday party on Sunday complaining about the pricing, and I'm thinking, "man it really has to be high school pricing or free" for people to not whine when it comes to UL. There are certain things I think we overcharge for (full season tailgating for example), but this game just isn't one of them. $50 to tailgate. $20 parking passes in the gates. Free parking outside the gates. $20-$50 tickets depending on seating choice. Nothing in that screams unreasonable to me. It was especially nice that those of us with season tickets were rewarded for that with $10 cheaper tickets. $100 even for my 3 tickets in the end zone and 2 parking passes. Took me less than 5 minutes to buy it all. How long did we beg for convenience without the fees? Long enough for me to realize and appreciate it now that we've got it.
I won't push the panic button on attendance yet based on sales to this point. Pending good weather I'm hoping for a nice walk up crowd. GEAUX CAJUNS! Those of us in attendance just need to bring it.