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Thread: A Tale of Two Universities

  1. #85

    Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    ….Love or dislike, a huge amount that is missing in the discussion is “COACH’……yea Blanco, starting with Doc Roug and through T-Joe was the guy that got the research park from J Benn John… the election of Doc A….and along with the wife got some things that Doc Fun could not be posting….he did have some defeats, if one can call them as such, but with some I don’t mention, he was the guy!
    That's part of it.

    There was more. We were supposed to get a 3rd national research center, but someone screwed the pooch. Not Ray or Raymond.

    Now we're down to one, but other good things are coming our way. And we got the Fisheries Center for a lab school, expanding our facilities and capabilities... I am assuming the building was free of charge from the Feds? Anyone know?

    However, I'm sure we have to spend something to convert it, it didn't have all the facilities a school needs.

  2. #86

    Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    We should all remember that TOPS began as the Taylor plan. Aimed at those kids who had done the right things in HS but could not afford college. Later, our dear legislators decided more votes available if it was opened to all students vs. need based. When budget crisis hit, colleges began raising tuition causing TOPS to start looking like SS - going broke. Legislature then placed hold on tuition increases without legs approval to save $$ with TOPS BUT allowed colleges to increase fees which is not covered by TOPS. Shockingly and to everyone’s surprise colleges increased fees. Now fees exceed tuition. I cannot understand why.
    And we keep voting the same folks back into office.
    But it’ll all be better soon. Our elected officials just told us so.

  3. #87

    Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    Quote Originally Posted by 60swerethebest View Post
    We should all remember that TOPS began as the Taylor plan. Aimed at those kids who had done the right things in HS but could not afford college. Later, our dear legislators decided more votes available if it was opened to all students vs. need based. When budget crisis hit, colleges began raising tuition causing TOPS to start looking like SS - going broke. Legislature then placed hold on tuition increases without legs approval to save $$ with TOPS BUT allowed colleges to increase fees which is not covered by TOPS. Shockingly and to everyone’s surprise colleges increased fees. Now fees exceed tuition. I cannot understand why.
    And we keep voting the same folks back into office.
    But it’ll all be better soon. Our elected officials just told us so.
    You remember correctly Sir.

    It's all a scam.

  4. #88

    Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    Dr. A had a few good qualities, but for the most part he let the facilities and grounds at UL deteriorate. He was a disaster for Athletics, especially football, Basketball still had Coach Paschal and we had some pretty good teams.
    Dr. Savoie is doing very well with Academics and facilities. I believe he loves Athletics, but he could and should do much more to improve our standing nationally. I would like to see him give our football program more support and effort. He should be involved more.

  5. #89

    Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    Quote Originally Posted by ULGrad@HOU View Post
    Dr. A had a few good qualities, but for the most part he let the facilities and grounds at UL deteriorate. He was a disaster for Athletics, especially football, Basketball still had Coach Paschal and we had some pretty good teams.
    Dr. Savoie is doing very well with Academics and facilities. I believe he loves Athletics, but he could and should do much more to improve our standing nationally. I would like to see him give our football program more support and effort. He should be involved more.
    I can promise you he gives the football program everything he can.

  6. #90

    Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    Quote Originally Posted by 60swerethebest View Post
    We should all remember that TOPS began as the Taylor plan. Aimed at those kids who had done the right things in HS but could not afford college. Later, our dear legislators decided more votes available if it was opened to all students vs. need based. When budget crisis hit, colleges began raising tuition causing TOPS to start looking like SS - going broke. Legislature then placed hold on tuition increases without legs approval to save $$ with TOPS BUT allowed colleges to increase fees which is not covered by TOPS. Shockingly and to everyone’s surprise colleges increased fees. Now fees exceed tuition. I cannot understand why.
    And we keep voting the same folks back into office.
    But it’ll all be better soon. Our elected officials just told us so.
    And every time a legislator proposed to raise the standards for TOPS, that idea is met with anger.

    Hell, there was a legislator who about 8-10 years ago authored a bill to LOWER the qualifications for TOPS. WTF?

  7. #91

    Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunFun View Post
    Because the Governor is a UL alum.

    State colleges aren't going to get a lot of money under Jeff. But I'd bet we get a big chunk of what little is given out.

    Maybe the most.
    When it comes to serious state wide nut cutting nobody, with the exception of LSU, would come away happy. The Gov doesn't care about us that much

  8. Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunrunner View Post
    And every time a legislator proposed to raise the standards for TOPS, that idea is met with anger.

    Hell, there was a legislator who about 8-10 years ago authored a bill to LOWER the qualifications for TOPS. WTF?
    Political pandering, pure and simple. Original tops was based on performance. But, once someone screamed unfair, it was over.

  9. #93

    Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    lol….cuz it’s discussed ad nauseam on every thread? Don’t get me wrong, I agree it’s a problem but it’s just gets old hearing about it all the time.
    It gets and has gotten older watching a once good D1 MBB program go to sh%#t under the grossly underperforming nitwit we currently have skippering that boat for well
    Over a Decade

  10. Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    lol….cuz it’s discussed ad nauseam on every thread? Don’t get me wrong, I agree it’s a problem but it’s just gets old hearing about it all the time.
    ‘Tis the season.

  11. #95

    Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    So, just to be clear, there are some that feel that, even if you agree Dr. Savoie has single-handily has decided to keep Marlin for way too long, that is reason to ____ on everything else he has done? Getting us all that research money, increasing our grad programs, achieving R1, getting the OLOL property, getting us the new former dog-park acreage and building the new Heritage park apartment complex, totally gutting/rebuilding all our on-campus dorms, implementing that Master Plan, etc., etc., etc…..all of that is over-shadowed by the Marlin issue?

  12. #96

    Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    So, just to be clear, there are some that feel that, even if you agree Dr. Savoie has single-handily has decided to keep Marlin for way too long, that is reason to ____ on everything else he has done? Getting us all that research money, increasing our grad programs, achieving R1, getting the OLOL property, getting us the new former dog-park acreage and building the new Heritage park apartment complex, totally gutting/rebuilding all our on-campus dorms, implementing that Master Plan, etc., etc., etc…..all of that is over-shadowed by the Marlin issue?

    Basketball is essential. That other stuff is nonsense.

    A lot of people here have made that very clear...

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