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Thread: A Tale of Two Universities

  1. #49

    Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    Yes, tuition increases have offset the cuts. But tuition increases also lead to enrollment declines which also means less revenue.

    I’m personally not convinced that consolidating universities is an answer. Eliminating administrative redundancies might save money, but how does any university absorb another without spending hundreds of millions in new infrastructure to accommodate all the new students?
    Yes, and then the tuition increases inflate the cost of TOPS to taxpayers. Also universities hiked student fees not covered by TOPS to make up for the cuts. Agree with you, consolidating universities is unlikely. All these campuses aren't going anywhere. But eliminating administrative redundancies, leaning up the middle/upper management jobs plus at the State system level should be the first priority instead of automatically going for more tuition increases to keep things as is.

  2. #50

    Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    Quote Originally Posted by Duckster View Post
    Yes, and then the tuition increases inflate the cost of TOPS to taxpayers. Also universities hiked student fees not covered by TOPS to make up for the cuts. Agree with you, consolidating universities is unlikely. All these campuses aren't going anywhere. But eliminating administrative redundancies, leaning up the middle/upper management jobs plus at the State system level should be the first priority instead of automatically going for more tuition increases to keep things as is.
    And should be first before also lining up the politicians and Higher Ed bureaucrats to clamour for tax increases.

  3. #51

    Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    While I'm handing out compliments, you too, Zep. I can generally read your comments and get a balanced, logical take. Unlike mine that are generally off the cuff, half joking/trolling, and mostly insufferable.
    Appreciate the compliment, James. However, if people are looking to me for "balanced, logical" takes at this point, something has gone horribly wrong.

  4. #52

    Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunrunner View Post
    I've heard that as well, which would make sense why Coach Lancon would ask outright for things like new hurdles (I remember that being a thing when I was there), rather than the money to purchase them. How fricking sad is that?

    A Track & Field program that was actually known on a national level, and perennial conference champs for a decade, had to ask for a donor not for money, but to outright go purchase equipment instead.

    I know there were many Cajuns diehards who were ____ed at Coach Girard for going down the road for LSU, and there was a bit of back and forth once she got there, but she had to deal with the same ____. She obviously got tired of it and went get a payday. We were lucky to hang on to Coach Robe back then.
    Loved Coach Lancon. He was my coach at Lafayette High. And George Judice was my best friends dad. Another friend of the program.

  5. #53

    Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunFun View Post
    ”It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness… "

    So, you made some very good points, most of which I agree with. However, I also agree that Dr. A not only ‘starved’ athletics, he seemed to want to, at the very least, ‘strangle’ it. Which is a very different thing. I truly believe he very much would have been happy with us having no athletics at all, and letting TSAB have it all. Which he almost succeeded at doing.

    But I guess I’m also trying to determine what your ultimate point was. I mean you start off by quoting my post where I state that I think Stephens is our best president, with Savoie closing in on him.

    Your response starts by having a sentence saying, basically, that each president was a great one, for the time that they served. But then the rest of your post is mostly about Authement.

    Guess I’m wondering if you’re saying Authement was the best? I just wish you would’ve stated what you think the ranking of the presidents should be. I would really like to red your thoughts on that.


  6. #54

    Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunrunner View Post
    And should be first before also lining up the politicians and Higher Ed bureaucrats to clamour for tax increases.
    Maybe the Governor could set up a Department of University Efficiency similar to DOGE and have a thorough review of the university systems and the efficiency and effectiveness of each university recommending cost cutting and cost savings. 3 options: 1. eliminate some universities, 2. consolidate some universities, 3. designate universities of each system as Flagship (and not just one flagship for the whole state) and all others as undergrad only feeding into the Flagships thereby eliminating a lot of duplication and waste.

  7. #55

    Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    Maybe the Governor could set up a Department of University Efficiency similar to DOGE and have a thorough review of the university systems and the efficiency and effectiveness of each university recommending cost cutting and cost savings. 3 options: 1. eliminate some universities, 2. consolidate some universities, 3. designate universities of each system as Flagship (and not just one flagship for the whole state) and all others as undergrad only feeding into the Flagships thereby eliminating a lot of duplication and waste.
    The point is, it's not so much determining the problem and solution, it's lacking the political will to fix the problem.

  8. #56

    Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    Quote Originally Posted by covcaj View Post
    The point is, it's not so much determining the problem and solution, it's lacking the political will to fix the problem.
    There is a reason La is last or nearly last in every metric except best food and who drinks the most.

  9. Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlieK View Post
    There is a reason La is last or nearly last in every metric except best food, who drinks the most and the clap.

    That was a real problem on campus in the 70’s.

  10. #58

    Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    The Author of this thread will tell you Dr. Authement had a great master plan for athletics and gave it just enough to survive. All revisionist history and a big load of nonsense. I'm already sorry I decided to even read it.

    Dr. Savoie has been light years away from his predecessor and did the right thing in hiring
    a consultant to put together an actual Master Plan together because he didn't have a clue.

    And for the record, the University of Louisiana @ Lafayette is currently carrying over $400M in debt.

  11. #59

    Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    Until Dr. Ray all UL Presidents came from the College of Agriculture. The college and the farm are now no more. Which stands to reason, farming is not what it once was especially around here.

    I think the University saw it's most growth from the 60s to the 80s. It has stagnated after that and other schools we used to be bigger than (including some SEC schools) have now passed us by enrollment wise.

  12. #60

    Default Re: A Tale of Two Universities

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post

    That was a real problem on campus in the 70’s.
    Yeah, Louisiana is 2nd in STDs too.

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