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Thread: Tie-Breakers

  1. #1

    UL Football Tie-Breakers

    If we win this weekend, and Marshall wins, I assume we will host because of a better overall record?

    If we lose, then the tiebreaker of head-to-head competition will be a Penrose triangle with South Alabama and Arkansas State. I assume we represent the west, based on overall record?

    If we lose and Marshall loses, I assume we win the tiebreaker to host, again based on overall record?

    Does anyone know the definitive rules for this?

  2. #2

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Tie-Breakers

    Not sure what the deal is now. We won and Marshall won last night. A lot's going to depend on what happens next week. The CAJUNS need to take care of business in Monroe next week before anything else happens...


  3. #3

    Default Re: Tie-Breakers

    OK, the UL article says if we win, we host. I assume that answers possibility #3 as well.

    Still need a response if we lose & Marshall wins, who travels to Marshall?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Tie-Breakers

    Overall record means nothing

    If both UL and Marshall win, UL probably hosts. It would come down an average of 4 computer rankings.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Tie-Breakers

    Quote Originally Posted by LouisianaB View Post
    Overall record means nothing

    If both UL and Marshall win, UL probably hosts. It would come down an average of 4 computer rankings.
    Interesting. Do you have a link to the Sunbelt rules? Or is it an NCAA rule?

  6. #7

    Default Re: Tie-Breakers

    Based on Sunbelt rules if we win and Marshall loses, we host, obviously.
    If we lose and Marshall wins, they are hosting.
    If we both lose, we host if Ark St wins as they are number 2 in our division.
    We also host if a hurricane, earthquake and tornado strike Mamou on Thanksgiving. I’ve got a headache. Please just win Saturday so I won’t have to read the rules anymore. I think I’m correct on our hosting but please if someone has better insight let us know.

  7. Default Re: Tie-Breakers

    UL loses, USA wins, Arkansas State loses, USA has tiebreaker over Cajuns.

    Have. To. Win. Consequences of sleep walking the first half against the Jags.

  8. #9

    Default Re: Tie-Breakers

    Correct on S Al.

  9. Default Re: Tie-Breakers

    Quote Originally Posted by 60swerethebest View Post
    Correct on S Al.
    Texas State, who suddenly can’t find their hat on top their head, travels to Mobile. Think the Jags can be counted on to win that game. Bobcats jumped the gun with that new contract for their coach.

    Red wolves host ODU. ODU just playing for pride, so that’s a toss up. They were close with JMU last night.

  10. #11

    Default Re: Tie-Breakers

    Based on what I’ve read directly from the Sun Belt website is that if both UL and Marshall win, there’s a list of 8 tiebreakers, the first being head to head results and the last being a coin flip.

    But the most likely tiebreaker that will be used is a combination of rankings and us having the better overall record would help in that case and we would more than likely be hosting

  11. #12

    Default Re: Tie-Breakers

    If both UL and Marshall win as well as Ark St and Ga S., we host as we beat Ark St while Marshall lost to Ga S. Losses by any of the four get more interesting. We need to win. Then AI takes over.

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