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Thread: Cajuns CFP billboards around town

  1. #13

    Default Re: Cajuns CFP billboards around town

    If I own a seafood restaurant and say we have.a 9% we will be in the National Seafood Cook off and we have. 9% in competing for the best seafood in the nation thats just being honest, but in the second breath you say we have no chance in being invited( dumb and dumber gif) you just discredit anything you just said!! I wouldn’t sell any product that way!! You just talked yourself out of a sell!

    Thats what they did!!

    I am not moving the goal post, those are just facts!!

  2. #14

    Default Re: Cajuns CFP billboards around town

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin9221 View Post
    but in the second breath you say we have no chance in being invited you just discredit anything what you just said!!

    Thats what they did!!
    You lost me. We have a 9% chance of being invited. That's what the billboard says.

  3. #15

    Default Re: Cajuns CFP billboards around town

    Quote Originally Posted by jaxmc1023 View Post
    You lost me. We have a 9% chance of being invited. That's what the billboard says.
    Putting the Dumb and Dumber thing is stupid!! Why would you further elaborate. I edited it .

  4. #16

    Default Re: Cajuns CFP billboards around town

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin9221 View Post
    Putting the Dumb and Dumber thing is stupid!! Why would you further elaborate.
    Because people will see Jim Carrey on a billboard and actually read it, as opposed to something like "come to our regularly scheduled programming at Cajun Field!"

    I'm not saying it's perfect -- I'm just saying that I like them taking a non-traditional approach. The people you're trying to lure to these games DO NOT take UL football anywhere near as serious as you guys do.

  5. #17

    Default Re: Cajuns CFP billboards around town

    Quote Originally Posted by jaxmc1023 View Post
    Because people will see Jim Carrey on a billboard and actually read it, as opposed to something like "come to our regularly scheduled programming at Cajun Field!"
    Maybe you right! Maybe so.

    Its like the Natty Ice thing very smart, it might be the right play more that i think about it.

    Since we talking about gifs

    Name:  IMG_0424.gif
Views: 268
Size:  226.6 KB

  6. #18

    Default Re: Cajuns CFP billboards around town

    Billboard company...Bass, did this, not the university...

  7. #19

    Default Re: Cajuns CFP billboards around town

    That makes sense. It did seem odd that the university may have had one original thought when it comes to marketing itself.

    Oh well, back to: "We have game at Game O'Clock, against Game Team! See you there!"

  8. #20

    Default Re: Cajuns CFP billboards around town

    Quote Originally Posted by jaxmc1023 View Post
    Because people will see Jim Carrey on a billboard and actually read it, as opposed to something like "come to our regularly scheduled programming at Cajun Field!"

    I'm not saying it's perfect -- I'm just saying that I like them taking a non-traditional approach. The people you're trying to lure to these games DO NOT take UL football anywhere near as serious as you guys do.
    You’re spot on! The only problem, and this is being nit picky, “G5 Playoff Spot” is a term coined by the media. It actually doesn’t exist.

    But overall this is a good advertisement to have around town.

  9. Default Re: Cajuns CFP billboards around town

    Two factors at play.

    However small the percentage, being mentioned by an outside source as being in the mix is priceless marketing. 100% in favor.

    Making that your whole "Pack Cajun Field" marketing angle with a Dumb and Dumber self reference. Zero% in favor.

    Evidently we are so starved for any kind of marketing we will accept anything.

    Geaux Cajuns

  10. #22

    Default Re: Cajuns CFP billboards around town

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Evidently we are so starved for any kind of marketing we will accept anything.
    Evidently we are so starved for any kind of marketing, we have to hope the billboard company comes up with something that works for us*

  11. #23

    Default Re: Cajuns CFP billboards around town

    Man some of you are looking too deep into this. It’s not that serious. It’s funny and it’s getting attention. Fans did this on their own. Not the university. It’s grassroots and organic. The admin could take notes.

  12. #24

    Default Re: Cajuns CFP billboards around town

    Quote Originally Posted by Million$Mullet View Post
    Man some of you are looking too deep into this. It’s not that serious. It’s funny and it’s getting attention. Fans did this on their own. Not the university. It’s grassroots and organic. The admin could take notes.
    I agree. Any visibility at this point is good for the team.

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