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Thread: Colleges Brace for Avoidable Budget Cuts

  1. #1

    Support Colleges Brace for Avoidable Budget Cuts

    Louisiana faces a massive ‘fiscal cliff’ in 2025, when $650 million in tax revenue rolls off the books. State leaders have told public colleges and universities to brace for up to $250 million in cuts next year because of the budget shortfall. The Times-Picayune | Baton Rouge Advocate’s Marie Fazio explains what this would mean for universities in the state: Link.

  2. Default Re: Colleges Brace for Avoidable Budget Cuts

    Just need more hurricane money.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Colleges Brace for Avoidable Budget Cuts

    Most Universities throughout the country could save millions of dollars by doing away with useless degrees!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Colleges Brace for Avoidable Budget Cuts

    All we have to do is increase taxes, folks. It’s that easy!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Colleges Brace for Avoidable Budget Cuts

    Will these be actual cuts, or cuts to the proposed increase of funds?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Colleges Brace for Avoidable Budget Cuts

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunFun View Post
    Louisiana faces a massive ‘fiscal cliff’ in 2025, when $650 million in tax revenue rolls off the books. State leaders have told public colleges and universities to brace for up to $250 million in cuts next year because of the budget shortfall. The Times-Picayune | Baton Rouge Advocate’s Marie Fazio explains what this would mean for universities in the state: Link.
    Higher Education is once again on the hook to get us off the "fiscal cliff." This fiscal cliff is no surprise, yet here are our politicial leaders robbing Peter to pay Paul. It's as if the goal is to slowly destroy higher education.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Colleges Brace for Avoidable Budget Cuts

    Quote Originally Posted by Duggie35 View Post
    Most Universities throughout the country could save millions of dollars by doing away with useless degrees!
    Plenty of money to educate students. Eliminate the bull____!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Colleges Brace for Avoidable Budget Cuts

    Quote Originally Posted by Duggie35 View Post
    Most Universities throughout the country could save millions of dollars by doing away with useless degrees!
    Like yours?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Colleges Brace for Avoidable Budget Cuts

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun77 View Post
    Higher Education is once again on the hook to get us off the "fiscal cliff." This fiscal cliff is no surprise, yet here are our politicial leaders robbing Peter to pay Paul. It's as if the goal is to slowly destroy higher education.
    Public education in general, it seems.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Colleges Brace for Avoidable Budget Cuts

    combine colleges could be done in Louisiana easily, Long gave out colleges like candy, how many campuses are with 50-60 miles of each other, combine some and you eliminate millions of dollars just in upper management costs

  11. #11

    Default Re: Colleges Brace for Avoidable Budget Cuts

    Quote Originally Posted by billbeck451 View Post
    combine colleges could be done in Louisiana easily, Long gave out colleges like candy, how many campuses are with 50-60 miles of each other, combine some and you eliminate millions of dollars just in upper management costs
    Revamp the UL System. As the only R1 university in the System, name UL as the Flagship university.
    Combine universities - La Tech & Grambling/ULM/Northwestern, UL & McNeese/Nichols, UNO & SE LA.
    Make UL, LA Tech & UNO the main campuses with all of the graduate programs. All other schools are 4 year undergrad campuses to each major university, thereby eliminating a lot of duplication while still keeping universities in their respective cities and their economies.

    LSU and Southern have their own Systems.

  12. Default Re: Colleges Brace for Avoidable Budget Cuts

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    Revamp the UL System. As the only R1 university in the System, name UL as the Flagship university.
    Combine universities - La Tech & Grambling/ULM/Northwestern, UL & McNeese/Nichols, UNO & SE LA.
    Make UL, LA Tech & UNO the main campuses with all of the graduate programs. All other schools are 4 year undergrad campuses to each major university, thereby eliminating a lot of duplication while still keeping universities in their respective cities and their economies.

    LSU and Southern have their own Systems.
    Right idea. Politically, never happens.

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