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Thread: Worst marching band in the history of the university?

  1. #37

    Default Re: Worst marching band in the history of the university?

    I won't chastise the band for not wearing full uniform in that heat (I would support a rule of saying if the heat index is above ____, shorts and t-shirts).

    But we do need a full revamp of the band in terms of entertainment value. The band is just boring. Play loud, play fun, play loose, mix in contemporary tunes.

  2. #38

    Default Re: Worst marching band in the history of the university?

    More bullfighting music!

  3. #39

    Default Re: Worst marching band in the history of the university?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunmole View Post
    Y’all are a bunch of whinny babies. This is the most absurd thread ever. Turbine, delete this, please. I am embarrassed for those that are guffing the band. It was a MILLION DEGREES WITH HUMIDITY. The band is there to engage and keep the fans somewhat fired up. They were forced to be there. They were probably miserable in the shorts and t-shirt, which 99% of those in attendance were wearing. Tulane band wore uniforms, you know what, their frickin band director was a frickin idiot.
    Maybe the defensive players on the team should have worn T-Shirts, shorts and a cap. That way, maybe they would not have tired out like they did.

  4. #40

    Default Re: Worst marching band in the history of the university?

    Quote Originally Posted by USLJim View Post
    Are you kidding me, don’t you remember the last 11 am we played, fans, band members were dropping like flies. It was 117 degrees on the field. I would never put the band in that situation EVER. Damn, you go put on a wool band suit and sit in that stadium, then let hear ya then
    Dude, the football team was completely geared up and were running up and down a 110-yard field in that weather. Pretty much all the marching band does is play their instruments. The least they can do is wear a marching band uniform...

  5. #41

    Default Re: Worst marching band in the history of the university?

    Not wearing uniforms in the heat is one thing, but what was the excuse for that same attire in the Grambling game? Rain in the forecast? I was in the Pride in 2013, and we wore uniforms and sweated out asses off rain or shine. This is not a new thing for band students. All of them were in high school band for 4+ years and had to wear uniforms for most every home game and festival. The pep band attire looks terrible in a college atmosphere. When combined with the dwindling size and marching skill of the Pride, it is truly a pathetic display and an ironic misnomer.

  6. #42

    Default Re: Worst marching band in the history of the university?

    Play R E S P E C T !!!!!!

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