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Thread: Worst marching band in the history of the university?

  1. #25

    Default Re: Worst marching band in the history of the university?

    Quote Originally Posted by USLJim View Post
    Are you kidding me, don’t you remember the last 11 am we played, fans, band members were dropping like flies. It was 117 degrees on the field. I would never put the band in that situation EVER. Damn, you go put on a wool band suit and sit in that stadium, then let hear ya then
    If you are USLJim, I'm assuming you went USL. I also assume you went to football games during your college days. If you did, there was a marching band that actually marched at halftime. Did you ever see members of that band in t-shirts, shorts and a baseball cap? I don't think so. They were in full uniform. And yes, it was just as hot in those days as it is now.

  2. Default Re: Worst marching band in the history of the university?

    Quote Originally Posted by roarman View Post
    It's the fourth week of the season and the band is not dressed out in uniform. Both co-band directors should be fired. Someone needs to put Pride back into, The Pride of Acadiana. Obviously, they're not willing to do it.
    you complained all day about how hot it was and now you want the band in uniform . . .

  3. #27

    Default Re: Worst marching band in the history of the university?

    From just ten years ago. How did it all go downhill so fast?

  4. #28

    Default Re: Worst marching band in the history of the university?

    As with anything if you want better, it's going to take money

  5. #29

    Default Re: Worst marching band in the history of the university?

    Quote Originally Posted by ultracajun View Post
    As with anything if you want better, it's going to take money
    There's $80,000 worth of uniforms sitting in a closet that are not being used.

  6. #30

    Default Re: Worst marching band in the history of the university?

    So, what happened to the band? They’ve been a running joke for several years. We’ve all seen them. They used to be on the Macy’s thanksgiving parade. Was that like a hand out to the musically challenged?

    I don’t like making fun of the band, but come on. We are in one of the most musically rich parts of the country and you get stuff that entertains no one year after year.

  7. #31

    Default Re: Worst marching band in the history of the university?

    Quote Originally Posted by roarman View Post
    Been there, done that. 100° heat, wool uniform. The problem is, the band directors allow the students to be soft. Another thing. They cater food from an outside restaurant at halftime. I never got that treatment when I was in band. One more thing. That was probably the lamest halftime performance I have ever seen. 6th grade arrangements of Cajun and zydeco songs. Marching about 10 ft to their left 10 ft to their right and nothing else. They just are not putting out the time or the effort. It used to be one of the best half-time bands in all college.

    Back then they had a real leader in Jim Goodman and members like Jamie Capell and Mike Ritter.
    You must have been in the band 1974 to 1976. I was there. I wonder what Jim Goodman thinks of the current band.

  8. #32

    Default Re: Worst marching band in the history of the university?

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginScotsman View Post
    So, what happened to the band? They’ve been a running joke for several years. We’ve all seen them. They used to be on the Macy’s thanksgiving parade. Was that like a hand out to the musically challenged?

    I don’t like making fun of the band, but come on. We are in one of the most musically rich parts of the country and you get stuff that entertains no one year after year.
    When Dr. Malley came from LSU and took over the band in 2013, he changed the entire pregame show (the one we use now) and focused on precision as well as sound. We also put a lot of money in increasing the budget to add more brass making the band number much larger and sound louder. When he left (not sure if it was 2017 or 2017), the band decreased in size and the precision changed.

  9. Default Re: Worst marching band in the history of the university?

    Quote Originally Posted by roarman View Post
    Worst marching band in the history of the university?
    worst . . . c’mon man . . . we sure love to say we suck

  10. #34

    Default Re: Worst marching band in the history of the university?

    Y’all are a bunch of whinny babies. This is the most absurd thread ever. Turbine, delete this, please. I am embarrassed for those that are guffing the band. It was a MILLION DEGREES WITH HUMIDITY. The band is there to engage and keep the fans somewhat fired up. They were forced to be there. They were probably miserable in the shorts and t-shirt, which 99% of those in attendance were wearing. Tulane band wore uniforms, you know what, their frickin band director was a frickin idiot.

  11. #35

    Default Re: Worst marching band in the history of the university?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    worst . . . c’mon man . . . we sure love to say we suck
    Well it is only compared to ourselves. Im sure the 1928 yanks were told they suck by fans of the 1927 yankees

  12. #36

    Default Re: Worst marching band in the history of the university?

    Roarman 2024 for band director!

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