Nice stuff. Right click & open in a new window to see the detail.
Nice stuff. Right click & open in a new window to see the detail.
How is "sections taught" defined?
It says 92 pct in state grads....
Do you think only 8 percent were from out of state, or by the time they graduated have they been here long enough to convert to an instate resident?
At the State of the University, T-Joe said that preliminary numbers look very good for the Fall, we may be up from last year. The problem we're having is, of course, a shortage of housing. What I am hearing is that we built the new dorms/apts with the standard expectations, that students move out after two years.
Problem is, our kids don't want to move off campus. My son says he hears constant complaints about on-campus housing [par for the course] so it's surprising, and gratifying, that our kids like staying on campus.
For some decades I have tried to figure out why USL/UL vastly outperforms our funding. I think that's it, people like this place. We get young faculty who have great ambitions to go on to elite schools, and they decide they really like the culture at UL, and the people and activities of Acadiana.
As for McNeese & UNO, I am hearing that UL & LSU are the only schools in good financial situations. Rumor has it that Tech, UNO and Northwestern are facing significant shortfalls, and it's not clear that state government will bail them out. We will see.
So no male students according to the breakdown.
The state will never have the testicular fortitude to combine Tech/Grambling and combine everything at UNO in NOLA. The idea of some HBCUs has become an exercise in abject failure on multiple levels. SUNO has been a poster child for this. UNO and to a lesser degree Tech need to be moved to regional universities status. SLU should replace UNO as a state university.
A section is one class. IE, a freshman English course may have 15 sections taught by a number of different profs at various or same times. A senior course may only have that class taught once a semester so it has one section. This is being generated by AI, before coffee. Trust at your own risk.
It’s an alumni test. If one can subtract, one can determine the percent male. If not, remedial action will be required.
I have heard some enrollment folks say that this is our largest freshmen class ever. Not official until magic lock-in date. Another two weeks or so. At that point we keep everyone’s money or something and report officially numbers to the state. Amazing achievement if true in a very competitive environment.
Our Dr. Bowie has been cautiously optimistic all spring about this class. Great work by a lot of people. Now to continue that success.
We need something like Rice Villiage across from Congress with huge big dorms or apartment complexes, so we would not have to worry about housing again.
Contract it out with top priority going to student housing, that way if we regular everyday folk can live there, that way students at the University will always have enough spots
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