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Thread: RCAf club tent passes for sale

  1. #25

    Default Re: RCAf club tent passes for sale

    Quote Originally Posted by ragin50 View Post
    It might not be too bad if it wasn't a cash bar. I'll pass on some food and soft drinks for $125. And the $3 really seems silly.
    Agree about the 3, but have you been to any stores, stood behind people in line, in the age of credit/debit how many listen to amount cashier says or reads the receipt?

  2. #26

    Default Re: RCAf club tent passes for sale

    Quote Originally Posted by ragin50 View Post
    It might not be too bad if it wasn't a cash bar. I'll pass on some food and soft drinks for $125. And the $3 really seems silly.
    I dont get it. Lets have something where the 750 dollar donation is not required. and sell food and drinks, and food trucks, with tables and chairs outside the stadium 10 hours before kickoff?

    The higher class of people can pay 750 and hang out with their kind, i take mine to the parking lot couple hours before kickoff to hang out with the peasants.

    I think we would increase fan interest and probably get more people to actually show up to the game? I am not a marketing guru.

    This University hurts my head.

    Dont they realize that the problem is that they are being exclusive and not inclusive.

  3. Default Re: RCAf club tent passes for sale

    This isnt just what can I get for the money, it starts with support that could otherwise happen with nothing expected in return but when its prorated keeping "support" in mind its a pretty good deal.

  4. #28

    Default Re: RCAf club tent passes for sale

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    This isnt just what can I get for the money, it starts with support that could otherwise happen with nothing expected in return but when its prorated keeping "support" in mind its a pretty good deal.
    Fine if they want to do it, but this no way increases fan support or get more people to show up to the game all it does is provide a perk for the existing fanbase.

    They need to figure out how to increase support. Which in turn will bring in more money to the program.

    IDC I kinda like seating in wide open spaces where i dont have to fight the crowds lets keep doing what we are doing.

  5. #29

    Default Re: RCAf club tent passes for sale

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin9221 View Post
    I dont get it. Lets have something where the 750 dollar donation is not required. and sell food and drinks, and food trucks, with tables and chairs outside the stadium 10 hours before kickoff?

    The higher class of people can pay 750 and hang out with their kind, i take mine to the parking lot couple hours before kickoff to hang out with the peasants.

    I think we would increase fan interest and probably get more people to actually show up to the game? I am not a marketing guru.

    This University hurts my head.

    Dont they realize that the problem is that they are being exclusive and not inclusive.
    They haven't had a clue since Maggard got here. Definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. U can't run this like a P5(soon to be P4) program.

  6. #30

    Default Re: RCAf club tent passes for sale

    Like i said in my report.

    How many season ticket orders do we have what 4k maybe 5 k what is our season ticket sales?

    Which means 10 to 15k are paying for single game tickets. So out of those 10 to 15k fans how many go to every game?

    I say majority go to 1 or 2 games a year. Look they have to understand that not everyone will show up for every game. In order for them to come to 2 or 3 games there has to be some type of perk for those fans. If you do that then those 10k fans would double maybe getting 20k a game.

    We have a big fan base just have to engage them enough to want to show up to every game.

  7. #31

    Default Re: RCAf club tent passes for sale

    We're simply not in the demographic of who the tent passes are meant for, and that's ok (as long as they sell). Can't wait to watch football this fall.

  8. #32

    Default Re: RCAf club tent passes for sale

    What's works better for RCAF, 20 tent attendees at $750 each or 60 tent fans at $250 each?

  9. #33

    Default Re: RCAf club tent passes for sale

    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post
    What's works better for RCAF, 20 tent attendees at $750 each or 60 tent fans at $250 each?
    Or 10k fans paying 100 or
    I even go as low as 50 bucks for food and drinks, with huge tents, tables, and chairs?

    So at 50 bucks is $500,000 dollars, 60 tents at $250 is $15,000 dollars

  10. #34

    Default Re: RCAf club tent passes for sale

    Quote Originally Posted by RedTails View Post
    We're simply not in the demographic of who the tent passes are meant for, and that's ok (as long as they sell). Can't wait to watch football this fall.
    Right! I'll be at our tailgate tent up until kick-off, like most fans that tailgate.

  11. Default Re: RCAf club tent passes for sale

    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post
    What's works better for RCAF, 20 tent attendees at $750 each or 60 tent fans at $250 each?
    The 20 at $750 for sure. Only have to feed 20 people vs 60 people. More profits.

  12. #36

    Default Re: RCAf club tent passes for sale

    Keep in mind that everyone on the West side is displaced this season. That includes your high end donors etc. I believe this is a one year deal to try and provide something for those donors until the West side is complete. Once they are all snug in their suites no need for it any longer.

    Just because you (or I) can't afford it doesn't mean it shouldn't be offered. Besides you still have your $2.00 Natty on the other end of the spectrum.

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