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Thread: Advocate: Telling It Like it is.

  1. Default Re: Telling It Like it is.

    Should espn have to pay the athletes they show in top 10 plays?

    Should they also disclaim there may be other plays better that we don't have access to the video of?

  2. #47

    Default Re: Telling It Like it is.

    Quote Originally Posted by R1Letterman View Post
    Was the new iberia potential SEC student able to open the drawer and/or find the envelopes.
    See also: "hmmm no stamp, i better send it back"
    lol…he did honor the old SEC letter of commitment. Didn’t violate it.

  3. #48

    Default Re: Telling It Like it is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    All the people who cry & scream about the need for free enterprise & capitalism in every single area of our lives are the ones ____ing, moaning & crying about the effects of NIL the most.
    Like who? If you're gonna call people out, have the balls to name names.

  4. #49

    Default Re: Telling It Like it is.

    There aren't any athletes at UL that would garner a ROI in advertising dollars

  5. Default Re: Telling It Like it is.

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    There aren't any athletes at UL that would garner a ROI in advertising dollars
    I guess you have not been following the basketball and softball transfers

  6. Default Re: Telling It Like it is.

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    Like who? If you're gonna call people out, have the balls to name names.
    Chill out man. I would be glad to call them out. Only my balls aren't that big since it's like a butt load of people from every where which are way too many to call out. Don't take it so personally. But I'll say it again for your benefit. The same whiners who are crying about the NIL. Are the same people who preach capitalism, capitalism, capitalism in every other aspect of life. The fact is capitalism works, until it doesn't. Then everyone goes tits up trying to outdo each other.

    I'll say it again for the record. The smaller conferences need to come to a conclusive agreement that the participating programs will all agree to pay these men & women an hourly wage while they practice their perspective sports with a cap on hours based on NCAA rules if there are still any left. And their fans need to be satisfied with a conference championship as their goal. The thought that a Coastal Carolina, or a UL, or a USM will ever win another natty in any major competitive sport under these circumstances is ludicrous. And it's not the fans, or the school's, or the community's, or the coaches fault. It's a system which will eventually cannibalize itself one way, or the other.

    In the mean time the quality of most of these sports being played by everyone continues to degrade in quality due to all of the unnecessary insane transfers. To top that off. Does anyone ever ask themselves about why stuff costs so much these days? Does some of a 4 dollar loaf of bread, or an 80,000 dollar pick up truck possibly have to do with the massive amount of over spending we are doing as a society on watching this never ending game of mumbly peg that's driving our whole society in the ditch over new football facilities & basketball facilities & baseball facilities & now paying participants, just so we can try to keep up with the next guy, or the guys 50 miles down the road who are insane with their own keep up with the Jones efforts?

    At some point, grown ups are going to have to start acting like grown ups & say, hey this what we got. It's the best we can do with a limited amount of money, whatever that figure is. And other people are going to have to act like grown ups & accept that this is the way it is going to be. That my friend is my best effort at telling it like it is.

  7. #52

    Default Re: Telling It Like it is.

    Quote Originally Posted by R1Letterman View Post
    Should espn have to pay the athletes they show in top 10 plays?
    You know.that's a very good point

  8. #53

    Default Re: Telling It Like it is.

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    I guess you have not been following the basketball and softball transfers
    What athletes are you referring to? Name me the athletes that you would pay NIL money to that would return a good ROI for said donation.

  9. Default Re: Telling It Like it is.

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    What athletes are you referring to? Name me the athletes that you would pay NIL money to that would return a good ROI for said donation.
    if you are that far back in the fog, give it up brother . . . 6 have just left softball and 3 or 4 left basketball

  10. #55

    Default Re: Telling It Like it is.

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    if you are that far back in the fog, give it up brother . . . 6 have just left softball and 3 or 4 left basketball
    Athletes that are still here! And just because they are getting paid, still doesn't mean donors are getting a return on that "investment". Are you telling me any of the athletes that left here for more money are returning a good ROI?

  11. #56

    Default Re: Telling It Like it is.

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    if you are that far back in the fog, give it up brother . . . 6 have just left softball and 3 or 4 left basketball
    For instance, heard reports of Zeon getting $250k+ NIL money. Even if it's half that, what kind of return do you think that donor is getting back for their "advertising" dollar?

  12. Default Re: Telling It Like it is.

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    For instance, heard reports of Zeon getting $250k+ NIL money. Even if it's half that, what kind of return do you think that donor is getting back for their "advertising" dollar?
    every donor and every athlete is different . . . I believe Get Gordon is getting immeasurable return on every one of his investments no matter the athlete. I believe car dealers are also making hay with NIL donations and coming out very well as most of these are leases where they get back a good bit of the investment to reemploy . . . I believe NIL to the bigger schools bring back substantially more return which is one reason that schools like Louisiana have a more difficult time securing NIL investors . . . but this analysis on a case by case basis on both sides is way to complicated to just throw out a one liner

    not sure what DeBarge was earning in NIL but that is one that we don’t know how fortunate we were to be able to keep him here for 3 years without getting poached . . .

  13. Default Re: Telling It Like it is.

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    You know.that's a very good point
    Thank you, and sorry certain posters will now hate you

  14. Default Re: Telling It Like it is.

    Immeasurable is defined by comparisons.

    They were getting almost nothing in the old under the table system and now with the same money they are getting something tangible.


  15. Default Re: Telling It Like it is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Immeasurable is defined by comparisons.

    They were getting almost nothing in the old under the table system and now with the same money they are getting something tangible.

    that is why there is so much more money available now at the big schools . . . ROI . . . there is definitely more of a crap shoot for investors at the schools like in the Sunbelt

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