"yes, he hinted a man and asked if we would like the Southeastern coach (a man)
one poster with a famous Bird on Friday evening posted here that it would be Alyson and it was not JMV"
Sounds a little hypocritical don't you think? You can announce what's gonna happen but others can't? It's good for the goose, but not the gander? You and JMV need to just kiss and make up. The $e#u@l tension between you two is palpable. LoL
not sure about palpable but the claim that he has actually ignored me since 2021 is laughable as he seems to respond to about anything which I post shortly thereafter
I’m sure he can’t wait to hit that little peek button that is right there next to a post of a person one has on ignore
be that as it may, you definitely need to apply for a spot on the secret society of JMV board as we see you building your resume for inclusion
I like positivity for our university . . . others not so much . . . it is what it is . . . so I will continue upon my agenda of trying to counterbalance negativity with some positivity, no more, no less
may Louisiana and it’s coaches, players and sports teams continue to thrive despite the hills and barriers placed in front of us
may the ignorant continue to uses the IGNORance button if they do not want to see what I post all knowing that each and every one who uses it are fully exercising the peek button every single time there is a post of one on ignore
it’s human nature
over and out
PS and if you don’t believe me about the IGNORance button, put someone on ignore and see what a farce that is . . .
he is too busy lurking around and behind our softball girls dugout for that to happen
I mean with the beer fiasco, he was either contacting my side neighbor and my across the street neighbor for surveillance of my house or at least inferred that he had done so
think about that and ask yourself if you would really want to be in a room with that guy
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