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Thread: My Analysis of Why Cayenne Died at UL:

  1. #49

    Default Re: My Analysis of Why Cayenne Died at UL:

    Quote Originally Posted by CouillonCinema View Post
    Bringing my detailed thread I just posted on Twitter onto here just in case any of you diehard fans would be interested.

    This thread is not a critique of anyone’s feelings for the character. I myself have a fondness for him. I saw him help expand the brand of UL across the country. That is why while doing my Albineaux research, I had to look at why his predecessor failed. These are my hypothesis from lightest offense to worse.
    Which Cayenne? The thing was a disaster even in the planning stages.

    Authément would sometimes drop small bombs when I spoke with him. One of them was, "I told them I wanted an image for the university. They brought back a sports logo." In their defense, what he was asking was way over their pay-grade, and even outside of their educational backgrounds.

    The logos-- which as discussed, added yellow to our colors, with an explanation that it was 'vermilion'-- created a number of problems. The company who designed it for us did really nice 1- and 2-color logos for other colleges and a number of pro teams (Atlanta Hawks, Boston Bruins, quite a few others). I happened to run into one of the people who worked on our logo. He didn't have much nice to say. He explained that the people in charge kept insisting on 'something like the Saints... ' but with a lot of heat, and so they finally gave us this.

    Name:  RaginCajuns flames 450.gif
Views: 474
Size:  23.2 KB

    It was a mess, looked like it should have been on the set of Grease. But we got our Saints logo.

    Name:  Saints Cajuns Fleur Overlap 360.jpg
Views: 481
Size:  83.6 KB

    And remember this beauty? It was called a 'peelable,' something we could stick everywhere.

    Name:  CajunsPepper.png
Views: 469
Size:  29.8 KB

    And if you wish to know how little the graphics company thought of us, here is a screen-shot from their website, listing their clients:

    Name:  SME Crop.jpg
Views: 465
Size:  20.8 KB

    Also, there were the flame numbers that we paid for... they had to be retired, because they were illegible on our uniforms.

    And with all that came Cayenne. Some of the locals objected; the word 'Cayenne' is from an Arawak word 'Guiana' (notice the similarities), and except that it became the name for French Guyana, it has no connection to us. In addition, it is an inaccurate stereotype of our food: traditionally Cajun/Creole cooking has a touch of pepper, but not much. This seemed to associate us with Mexican, Indian Vindaloo, Szechuan, and other cuisines.

    Next, a mascot typically costs $8-10K. We spent $25K.

    $10K of that came from the students, who were told they would be involved in the process, and meet with the designer. They were excluded. The SGA President at the time said she wanted their money back. I never found out what happened about that.

    We hired a Disney artist and when the artist sent the design to the costumers, the latter reported that, as designed, it was impossible. Further comedies of error appeared along the way.

    Anyway, here is the first Cayenne; despite an extensive search for I did years ago for a good photo, this was the best I found.

    Name:  Cayenne1.JPG
Views: 478
Size:  30.5 KB

    He was quickly nick-named something we can't type here, but think of the cartoon bird named 'Woody.' When we played LSU that year, you can imagine the jokes built around that off-color nickname.

    So there was $25K gone. Then they went to the second Cayenne, that opened this thread.

    Attachment 19665

    Now, one of Authément's stipulations was that he wanted something that wouldn't scare the kids. This, however, scared the ever-lovin' merde out of the kids. I was taking my 5 year-old son to games; he got one eyeful of that thing, and spent the rest of the game whipping his head around, making sure it wasn't sneaking up behind him. Perhaps that's why he never really enjoyed going to games with me.

    Finally, there is the third addition, slightly less "He-e-e-re's Johnny!!" looking, but still pretty bad.

    Name:  Cayenne3b.jpg
Views: 492
Size:  24.6 KB

    I have more stories to tell, but I gotta go.

  2. Default Re: My Analysis of Why Cayenne Died at UL:

    The vast knowledge of CajunFun knows no bounds.

    Man that is some good historical synopsis.


  3. #51

    Default Re: My Analysis of Why Cayenne Died at UL:

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunFun View Post
    Which Cayenne? The thing was a disaster even in the planning stages.

    Authément would sometimes drop small bombs when I spoke with him. "I told them I wanted an image for the university. They brought back a sports logo." One of them was, In their defense, what he was asking was way over their pay-grade, and even outside of their educational backgrounds.

    The logos-- which as discussed, added yellow to our colors, with an explanation that it was 'vermilion'-- created a number of problems. The company who designed it for us did really nice 1- and 2-color logos for other colleges and a number of pro teams (Atlanta Hawks, Boston Bruins, quite a few others). I happened to run into one of the people who worked on our logo. He didn't have much nice to say. He explained that the people in charge kept insisting on 'something like the Saints... ' but with a lot of heat, and so they finally gave us this.

    Name:  RaginCajuns flames 450.gif
Views: 474
Size:  23.2 KB

    It was a mess, looked like it should have been on the set of Grease. But we got our Saints logo.

    Name:  Saints Cajuns Fleur Overlap 360.jpg
Views: 481
Size:  83.6 KB

    And remember this beauty? It was called a 'peelable,' something we could stick everywhere.

    Name:  CajunsPepper.png
Views: 469
Size:  29.8 KB

    And if you wish to know how little the graphics company thought of us, here is a screen-shot from their website, listing their clients:

    Name:  SME Crop.jpg
Views: 465
Size:  20.8 KB

    Also, there were the flame numbers that we paid for... they had to be retired, because they were illegible on our uniforms.

    And with all that came Cayenne. Some of the locals objected; the word 'Cayenne' is from an Arawak word 'Guiana' (notice the similarities), and except that it became the name for French Guyana, it has no connection to us. In addition, it is an inaccurate stereotype of our food: traditionally Cajun/Creole cooking has a touch of pepper, but not much. This seemed to associate us with Mexican, Indian Vindaloo, Szechuan, and other cuisines.

    Next, a mascot typically costs $8-10K. We spent $25K.

    $10K of that came from the students, who were told they would be involved in the process, and meet with the designer. They were excluded. The SGA President at the time said she wanted their money back. I never found out what happened about that.

    We hired a Disney artist and when the artist sent the design to the costumers, the latter reported that, as designed, it was impossible. Further comedies of error appeared along the way.

    Anyway, here is the first Cayenne; despite an extensive search for I did years ago for a good photo, this was the best I found.

    Name:  Cayenne1.JPG
Views: 478
Size:  30.5 KB

    He was quickly nick-named something we can't type here, but think of the cartoon bird named 'Woody.' When we played LSU that year, you can imagine the jokes built around that off-color nickname.

    So there was $25K gone. Then they went to the second Cayenne, that opened this thread.

    Attachment 19665

    Now, one of Authément's stipulations was that he wanted something that wouldn't scare the kids. This, however, scared the ever-lovin' merde out of the kids. I was taking my 5 year-old son to games; he got one eyeful of that thing, and spent the rest of the game whipping his head around, making sure it wasn't sneaking up behind him. Perhaps that's why he never really enjoyed going to games with me.

    Finally, there is the third addition, slightly less "He-e-e-re's Johnny!!" looking, but still pretty bad.

    Name:  Cayenne3b.jpg
Views: 492
Size:  24.6 KB

    I have more stories to tell, but I gotta go.
    Okay see they never understood the culture here at Louisiana. Everything from the logo is bush league.

    He wanted a Logo for the University but instead got a sports logo.

    I think what you are saying is spot on. Also same with the mascot and how it looked.

    Like somebody’s outside view of what cajun culture is, not what it really is.

    They didnt take the time and did enough research to do it correctly.

    The only good thing that came out of that is the FDL.

  4. #52

    Default Re: My Analysis of Why Cayenne Died at UL:

    One of the reason why i messed around with the logo for years. It never seemed right.

    It looks small time, and doesnt represent the school. We need a 3rd logo, if you are not going to use the UL then we need to use something else.

    Lets get a Mascot and a Logo!!

    Even ULM had a fortune 500 company design the logo for there University.

    Name:  IMG_7677.png
Views: 430
Size:  89.4 KB

  5. #53

    Default Re: My Analysis of Why Cayenne Died at UL:

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin9221 View Post
    One of the reason why i messed around with the logo for years. It never seemed right.

    It looks small time, and doesnt represent the school. We need a 3rd logo, if you are not going to use the UL then we need to use something else.

    Lets get a Mascot and a Logo!!
    Bro, I would hire you for my assistant to the assistant manager. UL needs the ideas and energy you would bring!

  6. #54

    Default Re: My Analysis of Why Cayenne Died at UL:

    Quote Originally Posted by Esqueleto View Post
    Bro, I would hire you for my assistant to the assistant manager. UL needs the ideas and energy you would bring!
    Cant even get an interview brother !! lol

  7. #55

    Default Re: My Analysis of Why Cayenne Died at UL:

    Think how much CoullionCinema the time and effort he has given up to promote Al.

    He has went on local television, has a twitter/x account has created a marketing drive, came up with drawings, a narrative, a whole back story for this mascot. Even analyzing why Cayenne has failed and try to avoid the pitfalls with creating a mascot and trying to avoid the mistakes. Kudos to CouillonCinema.

    Its like to get anything done is like pulling teeth. I mean is it just apathy?

    Name:  IMG_7679.gif
Views: 421
Size:  890.2 KB

  8. Default Re: My Analysis of Why Cayenne Died at UL:

    maybe we need to get a dentist to pitch it

  9. #57

    Default Re: My Analysis of Why Cayenne Died at UL:

    At this point, no. It is intentional.

  10. #58

    Default Re: My Analysis of Why Cayenne Died at UL:

    Ww got a mascot. There is this Swamp on Campus.

  11. #59

    Default Re: My Analysis of Why Cayenne Died at UL:

    Quick comparison

    Name:  IMG_7680.jpg
Views: 449
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    Name:  9F362249-08F1-4C01-B6AE-F561AEACCFAA.jpeg
Views: 404
Size:  114.9 KB

  12. #60

    Default Re: My Analysis of Why Cayenne Died at UL:

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    Who is more likely to do this:

    Attachment 19685Attachment 19686

    I could easily see that crazy Cayenne doing stuff like this. He's so Canaille!

    Attachment 19687
    We get it. You like Cayenne.

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