The word 'muscle' comes from the Latin mus, 'mouse.' Early anatomists dissecting very fresh bodies (sometimes the just-executed), as well as butchers working on slaughtered animals, noted that fresh muscles can twitch like a little mouse. *

There is an easy way all of us lard-bottomed couch potatoes can advance UL, without spending money, and without getting out of our chairs.

Just use your mouse. (Jon is loving the pun right now.)

Turbine posted some random headlines, very interesting stuff. Occasionally he includes academics, and I would urge him to add more of that to the mix.

Because what you and I can do is click on the articles, scan them, and when something else looks interesting, click on that, too. The media companies count the clicks, look at how long visitors stay, and whether we click on subsequent links. The more clicks the Cajuns and UL get, the more coverage the media will give us.

And when the rest of us come across something interesting, we can post it as well.

So take one for the team. with your index finger. Click, read, and click a bit more.

*We also get musky, mushroom, marmot, mussel, and even nutmeg from the same root.