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Thread: Dali vs Francis Scott Key Bridge

  1. #1

    Default Dali vs Francis Scott Key Bridge

    I know that this has nothing to do with the raging Cajun athletics but some of you may want to go down this rabbit hole

    This is a very good video that analysed the time line of events that lead to the Dali impacting the Francis Scott Key bridge. He also provides links to channels by maritime ship captains, engine room engineer, tug boat captains.and salvage channel. Very informative.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Dali vs Francis Scott Key Bridge

    What I'm trying to wrap my head around is that ship has at least 6 -- 2 mw generators on it if not bigger. Was there total switchgear failure - above my pay grade but very strange indeed

  3. #3

    Default Re: Dali vs Francis Scott Key Bridge

    What would happen if a container ship like that hit the Mississippi River Bridge in Baton Rouge? Does it have any protection system??

  4. #4

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Dali vs Francis Scott Key Bridge

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBug58 View Post
    What would happen if a container ship like that hit the Mississippi River Bridge in Baton Rouge? Does it have any protection system??
    The only bridge in this area that has any direct watercraft monitoring (that I know of) is the Ponchartrain Causeway Bridge.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Dali vs Francis Scott Key Bridge

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBug58 View Post
    What would happen if a container ship like that hit the Mississippi River Bridge in Baton Rouge? Does it have any protection system??
    I saw a news story with the La director of DOTD and he said our bridges have a bumper system that would not let the ship hit the bridges weight bearing support pilings. The FSK did not have such a system.

  6. Default Re: Dali vs Francis Scott Key Bridge

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    I saw a news story with the La director of DOTD and he said our bridges have a bumper system that would not let the ship hit the bridges weight bearing support pilings. The FSK did not have such a system.
    I knew Louisiana was first class in something.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Dali vs Francis Scott Key Bridge

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    I saw a news story with the La director of DOTD and he said our bridges have a bumper system that would not let the ship hit the bridges weight bearing support pilings. The FSK did not have such a system.
    I wonder if they did that after that barge hit the Causeway? It was out for a long time after that.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Dali vs Francis Scott Key Bridge

    Louisiana: first in ships hitting bridges...

    May 28, 1993: The towboat Chris, pushing the empty hopper barge DM3021, hit a support tier of the Judge William Seeber Bridge in New Orleans. Two spans and the two-column bent collapsed onto the barge. Two cars carrying three people fell with the four-lane bridge deck into a canal. One person died and two people were seriously injured.

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