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Thread: Basketball transfer portal

  1. #121

    Default Re: Basketball transfer portal

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRed View Post

    A fellow fan told me at the start of baseball season that, in a conversation with Maggard, he suggested to him that maybe the University was charging too much for RV spots… since we went from sold out with a waiting list to only 20% sold. He said Maggard paused a bit, then said… “I think we’re not charging enough.”

    Could anything make the point better than this?
    Did you pause to think for a minute what kind of negative impact a post like this might have on the program?

    Does it help UL to know that our AD thinks that running off the remaining few tailgaters is a good way to improve the program?

  2. #122

    Default Re: Basketball transfer portal

    Quote Originally Posted by jaxmc1023 View Post
    Did you pause to think for a minute what kind of negative impact a post like this might have on the program?

    Does it help UL to know that our AD thinks that running off the remaining few tailgaters is a good way to improve the program?
    At this point, that's on him.

  3. #123

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Basketball transfer portal

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Between a RCAF base where the majority is moving closer to retirement quickly and inflation, the powers that be better hit a marketing home run on CF. Disposable income is fading quickly for the elders.
    This may be the most important thing that RCAF and Athletic Department personnel need to recognize. I am 76 and still working; but many of our fans are 60+, and the majority of those are retired. It is a guarantee that as people over 60 age, their available income for entertainment will drop, as will their physical ability to attend events.

    As I have been saying for at least the last 20 years, UL MUST do everything it can to attract younger, lower [relatively speaking] income fans, many of whom will be increasing their ability to donate over time. I would much rather that we had 10,000 $100 donors under 40 than ten $100,000 donors of any age.

  4. #124

    Default Re: Basketball transfer portal

    Quote Originally Posted by VObserver View Post
    This may be the most important thing that RCAF and Athletic Department personnel need to recognize. I am 76 and still working; but many of our fans are 60+, and the majority of those are retired. It is a guarantee that as people over 60 age, their available income for entertainment will drop, as will their physical ability to attend events.

    As I have been saying for at least the last 20 years, UL MUST do everything it can to attract younger, lower [relatively speaking] income fans, many of whom will be increasing their ability to donate over time. I would much rather that we had 10,000 $100 donors under 40 than ten $100,000 donors of any age.
    Amen, well said.

  5. #125

    Default Re: Basketball transfer portal

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    So they are raising prices with no demand. Hmmmm.

    Over and under on how long it takes before a thread or a Faceplant post starts about RV prices being raised, based solely on the misinterpretation of a second-hand (third-hand?) story shared on a message board post.

    A says something speculative (at best) to B. B tells C what A said. C then posts the hypothetical to message board.

    D shares the hypothetical as fact.

    Smokey the Bear says "only YOU can prevent forest fires."

  6. #126

    Default Re: Basketball transfer portal

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRed View Post
    DAMN good post. I said for a couple of years now that Dr. Maggard seems to only want to get input from a small inner circle of buddies and other insiders. I am not aware of ANY attempts to meet with a group of just regular fans, supporters and donors to try to find out what he doesn’t know or is missing. The problem is that NOTHING will change until he does.

    The worst thing about my line of work and his is to not know what you don’t know.
    This idea of a fan group for the athletic administration to lean on for honest feedback was floated to our administration. Response from what I’m told was, “yall just can’t be too negative.” I don’t know what to do for people who want to be told it’s sunshine outside when it’s actually pitch black and raining.

  7. Default Re: Basketball transfer portal

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Monkee View Post
    Over and under on how long it takes before a thread or a Faceplant post starts about RV prices being raised, based solely on the misinterpretation of a second-hand (third-hand?) story shared on a message board post.

    A says something speculative (at best) to B. B tells C what A said. C then posts the hypothetical to message board.

    D shares the hypothetical as fact.

    Smokey the Bear says "only YOU can prevent forest fires."
    The way to nip it in the bud is to post current fees, early and often and it will eliminate future conjecture.

  8. #128

    Default Re: Basketball transfer portal

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    The way to nip it in the bud is to post current fees, early and often and it will eliminate future conjecture.
    Better to keep it a secret.

  9. #129

    Default Re: Basketball transfer portal

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    The way to nip it in the bud is to post current fees, early and often and it will eliminate future conjecture.
    Here you go.

    Admittedly, I'm not the most sophisticated guy when it comes to the googles, but if I can find it, seems to be pretty easy.

  10. Default Re: Basketball transfer portal

    The earlier Maggard quote was RV so I think that is football.

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  11. #131

    Default Re: Basketball transfer portal

    Yeah, I got that.

    Just curious, and I'm asking because I simply don't know.

    Is there a charge for tailgating at baseball?

  12. #132

    Default Re: Basketball transfer portal

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Monkee View Post
    Here you go.

    Admittedly, I'm not the most sophisticated guy when it comes to the googles, but if I can find it, seems to be pretty easy.
    Poster didn't say they are raising prices. He said, Maggard said, "they aren't high enough". Nowhere in that arc did it say he said they're raising prices.

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