Quote Originally Posted by Cajun90 View Post
Honestly most at TSAB have moved on from it. There will always be a few. I really never thought I would see the day where the acceptance was at the level it is right now. I'll spare the details but you will be hard pressed to find anyone who worked harder than me through the years to obtain the "Louisiana" identity. I'm happy with where it is. There is no going back and it will become more entrenched as time goes by. For the few that still want to try and rock the boat I just ignore them. They aren't worth the effort.

We are LOUISIANA. Nothing is changing that now.
It’s Louisiana now. LSU people and some others around the state will continue with ULL, etc.

But it’s no different than other states that refer to other schools in non-respectful ways. See Ole Miss and Miss State. Texas A&M and Texas, etc.