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Thread: G5- P5 Power Struggle

  1. #25

    Default Re: G5- P5 Power Struggle

    Quote Originally Posted by R1Letterman View Post
    How is this thread about a struggle. P5 has the power, problem solved. Ironically many on here want so badly to do things the way the p5 does (until its time to pay for those things) so their complaints about the p5 fall on deaf ears
    Well, as I see it, people complain about the P5 because they can't be in the P5. If you can't be a part of the club, it's easy to complain about the club.

  2. #26

    Default Re: G5- P5 Power Struggle

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunrunner View Post
    Or how about those players that just want to be paid and be free agents from year to year and not worry about “playing school” can just form their own minor league.

    Why bother wearing the name of a university across your chest when you really don’t want to attend class at said school or have any loyalty towards it beyond one year?
    Because it is not a financially lucrative endeavor for the potential league creator. Nfl wants the freebees.
    Even minor league baseball recently had a dramatic decrease in number of teams

  3. #27

    Default Re: G5- P5 Power Struggle

    Quote Originally Posted by JAB View Post
    Well, as I see it, people complain about the P5 because they can't be in the P5. If you can't be a part of the club, it's easy to complain about the club.
    Cough cough sounds like marlin haters cough cough

  4. #28

    Default Re: G5- P5 Power Struggle

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Yes, they are basically taking athletes we would be signing and offering them a tryout for $30K in the spring or fall, then cover the cost of scholarship with a NIL collective fund. They can circumvent of the 85 scholarship limit as you stated and the NCAA won't do anything about it. Unlimited scholarships were done away with because athletes could be replaced and lost education opportunities. Now it seems education and the advancements in education opportunities for student athletes, specifically for minorities is simply not important any longer and being replaced by income.
    Hard to buhleeve many p5 baseball wasnt already doing this. Since they didnt have to follow "full counter" they were able to skew financial aid and "academic" scholarships for players with poor grades, no competition for that schol and no audits by ncaa

  5. #29

    Default Re: G5- P5 Power Struggle

    These part time jobs at so called baseball training academies were basically NIL as well. As well as illegal early practices

  6. #30

    Default Re: G5- P5 Power Struggle

    Quote Originally Posted by R1Letterman View Post
    Cough cough sounds like marlin haters cough cough
    You mean people that voluntarily don't join the basketball booster club?

  7. Default Re: G5- P5 Power Struggle

    The reaper is coming on all this. Don't act suprised when it happens. Athletics will get blown up on multiple levels. It might what brings it back to the days of innocence, or at least kind of.

    As the government moved to track "gig" income on musicians and other cash based income, the NIL plan is giving the government exactly what they wanted when it comes to college athletics . All the under the table money is now in the open. Where UL needs to be diligent is in situations where an athlete (forgive me for not including student in the name) is getting NIL money but not claiming it on the PEL grant appliction (and similar) used to suppliment the cost of attendance. Even though the NIL and university are supposed to be seperate, we all know it is not (ie: Will Hall). All universities are complicit at the end of the day.

    This will blow up some day, just look at Dartmouth and the proposed unionization. It's coming. As I often say, ALWAYS follow the money.

  8. #32

    Default Re: G5- P5 Power Struggle

    Quote Originally Posted by JAB View Post
    . . . no . . .
    It's so clear, isn't it?

  9. #33

    Default Re: G5- P5 Power Struggle

    Regardless of how much more disheveled the power struggle within college football becomes, its important the G5 retain its newly gained highest ranked conf. champion automatic entry in the CFP. Also believe it will benefit the four G5 conference champs not making the CFP to be paired in two bowls. Not a playoff, just match the best teams that season in each a destination city bowl, make it become a tradition in a sport sorely in need of creating new ones. Could be two of the four bowls each year: New Orleans or Barstool Arizona or Orlando Cure or Myrtle Beach. Odds are the winners improve their chances of earning end of season Top 25 ranking.

  10. #34

    Default Re: G5- P5 Power Struggle

    Quote Originally Posted by Duckster View Post
    Regardless of how much more disheveled the power struggle within college football becomes, its important the G5 retain its newly gained highest ranked conf. champion automatic entry in the CFP. Also believe it will benefit the four G5 conference champs not making the CFP to be paired in two bowls. Not a playoff, just match the best teams that season in each a destination city bowl, make it become a tradition in a sport sorely in need of creating new ones. Could be two of the four bowls each year: New Orleans or Barstool Arizona or Orlando Cure or Myrtle Beach. Odds are the winners improve their chances of earning end of season Top 25 ranking.
    The G5 will as long as they, meaning the P5 will allow it. The idea behind the playoff expansion was not to increase more opportunities for the G5 but allow other ranked teams from the power conferences that may have lost the conference championship game or lost several games during the season to make the playoffs. Thus far, only the SEC has had more than 1 team make the playoffs. Now the door will be open for other conferences.

  11. #35

    Default Re: G5- P5 Power Struggle

    Quote Originally Posted by BabbForHeisman View Post
    It's so clear, isn't it?
    You really fell for that? lol

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