With them switching platforms. My basketball tickets are no longe online. Anyone have luck accessing them?
With them switching platforms. My basketball tickets are no longe online. Anyone have luck accessing them?
I got the email from the new vendor, and set-up my acct. I only played with it a bit, but did not see where on the new app that you can see all your tix, for baseball, softball, etc., like you can on the current one. I found the option to trx them, but not just a ‘view my tix’ option. Also, the email said so,en thing about a link to get the app, but I did not see the link, and really want to get that app.
I was able to access it from the email that I received.
I must say that Paciolan is a lot more user friendly than TicketMaster AND I decided to see the fees behind a baseball ticket. $15 is $15 and not $25 with the crazy fees included.
This is definitely a huge win moving to Paciolan.
The only way I found to see actual tickets was to download them to Google wallet. It seems you also have to download one event at a time. Anyone else seeing this?
There is no Paciolan app as far as I can tell... But it was super easy to download tix to Google wallet... There is an (automatic) "all-In" or something like that to where when you download a season ticket to your wallet, it will automatically downloads the whole season... but only shows the one ticket you need... your next game. But - if you manage (transfer/sell) your tickets on the Paciolan website, your wallet tickets will update automatically... so no need to download a ticket every game.
The app wasn’t working Thursday for me. Deleted it and downloaded new. Still didn’t work. Had to type in address. Today, nada.
Damn USL…won’t transfer to wallet.
In Ticket Master my basketball tickets are in the “My Events” tab.
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