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Thread: Football viewership

  1. #1

    Default Football viewership

  2. Default Re: Football viewership

    Gotta get on CBS FOX ESPN.

    Here is the plan to cover all bases.

    Cajuns Be Streaming
    For Our Xyst
    Extraordinary Sports Phans Now.

    ps #justbeingstupid

  3. #3

    Default Re: Football viewership

    So the teams that have every game televised on one of the major networks have more views than everyone else. Who woulda thunk it?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Football viewership

    Perfect, let those 18 break off and compete with the nfl and everyone else can get back to collge football.

  5. Default Re: Football viewership

    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyCajun View Post
    Perfect, let those 18 break off and compete with the nfl and everyone else can get back to collge football.
    This would just create a NEW 18 at the top of the food chain.

  6. Default Re: Football viewership

    Anyone noticed Oregon State and Washington State now banished to the G5?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Football viewership

    Makes you wonder is it really dependent on the team, or is it the time slot/day and network related.

    I.e. if you sub team there must be some amount of viewership that may have viewed regardless yet the particular team now gets the credit

  8. #8

    Default Re: Football viewership

    Quote Originally Posted by MountainDew View Post
    So the teams that have every game televised on one of the major networks have more views than everyone else. Who woulda thunk it?
    And all the teams given those "free" slots dont have to have their fans pay extra $ monthly for these subscriptions to woke inferior products and can turn around and donate those monies back to the programs

  9. #9

    Default Re: Football viewership

    The links do not show any MAC teams and only WKU and Jax State from CUSA. Does this mean all other teams from those conferences have negligible TV appearances on the main networks? Also App State shows 2 more appearances on major networks than UL. I think this were the out of conference games App State played against North Carolina and Texas A & M. Another reason to play a P4 team out of conference. As said in the article: "important for them[G5] to play teams that can get them bigger stages with bigger audiences."

  10. #10

    Default Re: Football viewership

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Anyone noticed Oregon State and Washington State now banished to the G5?
    Also, did anyone notice what they chose as our emblem. That should be on the helmets.

    Our branding hierarchy is wrong. It should be 1) Louisiana 2) FDL 3) Ragin' Cajuns

    It's common practice to put your most important branding elements on your helmets We can't fit Louisiana, so the FDL goes up there. Louisiana stays where it is.

    This is the battle we should be having with Martin Hall. Not some silly fight over a mascot.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Football viewership

    Quote Originally Posted by RougaWhite&Blue View Post
    Makes you wonder is it really dependent on the team, or is it the time slot/day and network related.

    I.e. if you sub team there must be some amount of viewership that may have viewed regardless yet the particular team now gets the credit

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