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Thread: Charter Flight Benefit

  1. Default Re: Charter Flight Benefit

    Like your two polls aBout Vic. You could not even drum up a couple dozen votes. Self awareness, right.

  2. #62

    Default Re: Charter Flight Benefit

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    Between what this board puts out and what is put out by RR, there will never be a chance in the foreseeable future where any trust could be garnered. Since those two venues are about it for public broadcast of information, looks like a bleak future if both continue along the same course.
    Let's blame Ragin Pagin and Ragin Review as the scapegoat culprits on why our athletic program is losing support and money. Let's not hold the actual people in charge accountable.

    Par for the course with you and your wishful soap opera drama.

  3. Default Re: Charter Flight Benefit

    When an issue is evaluated, wouldn’t it be prudent to evaluate all of the forces pulling and pushing with respect to the issue?

    There is no doubt that MH could and should do better, a whole lot better.

    Realistically at this time there are only two sources of publicly available information on the status an ongoings of Louisiana athletics - RP and RR.

    When one does a fair and balanced laymen review of the content put out by these two sources, would one generally say it is positive or negative towards Louisiana athletics, it’s coaches, it’s players, it’s teams and it’s facilities.

    When you read what is posted here and the content put out by RR, does it make you want to buy more tickets, make more donations, attend more athletic events, watch more athletic events on the plus, or does it make you want to NOT want to buy more tickets, NOT want to make more donations, NOT attend more athletic events, NOT watch more athletic events on the plus.

    It’s political season so, does reading RP and listening to RR make you feel like you feel great about your university and leave with better off perception about it than before you read or listener listened or feel worse about your university.

    If it’s the latter, you have full control to make things better going forward, or you can proceed along the current course and pride yourself in being part of the problem. We are at a critical crossroads with Louisiana athletics at this juncture and Louisiana needs every possible positive forces going forward to make the turn and make the best of it.

    Choices. Make the right one. Be a part of success. Be the one that steps out on a limb and do the positive when you know that those in charge have not always done so. Be the man. Be the woman. Let’s GEAUX.

  4. #64

    Default Re: Charter Flight Benefit

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    When an issue is evaluated, wouldn’t it be prudent to evaluate all of the forces pulling and pushing with respect to the issue?

    There is no doubt that MH could and should do better, a whole lot better.

    Realistically at this time there are only two sources of publicly available information on the status an ongoings of Louisiana athletics - RP and RR.

    When one does a fair and balanced laymen review of the content put out by these two sources, would one generally say it is positive or negative towards Louisiana athletics, it’s coaches, it’s players, it’s teams and it’s facilities.

    When you read what is posted here and the content put out by RR, does it make you want to buy more tickets, make more donations, attend more athletic events, watch more athletic events on the plus, or does it make you want to NOT want to buy more tickets, NOT want to make more donations, NOT attend more athletic events, NOT watch more athletic events on the plus.

    It’s political season so, does reading RP and listening to RR make you feel like you feel great about your university and leave with better off perception about it than before you read or listener listened or feel worse about your university.

    If it’s the latter, you have full control to make things better going forward, or you can proceed along the current course and pride yourself in being part of the problem. We are at a critical crossroads with Louisiana athletics at this juncture and Louisiana needs every possible positive forces going forward to make the turn and make the best of it.

    Choices. Make the right one. Be a part of success. Be the one that steps out on a limb and do the positive when you know that those in charge have not always done so. Be the man. Be the woman. Let’s GEAUX.
    A very fair perspective. And since you had recently asked for a debate setting, here it is.

    You mentioned how one feels after reading RP or listening to RR on whether or not it motivates them to support by buying tickets, going to games, etc. I can say with full confidence that RR has allowed fans to actually still feel involved with Ragin' Cajun Athletics a lot more than the other way around. We have been told countless times over the last few years how we are the main reason they still even follow UL sports. And sometimes, we will get told to not be "as loud." We aren't perfect by any stretch.

    Now, here's the harsh reality of the situation from our perspective: the same people that you are encouraging to buy tickets and support the program are the same people who are also feeling slighted when they do. It's like the prime rib argument. If you charge for a prime rib price and get roast beef, people aren't paying for that. If you don't change the way you charge, people aren't showing up to pay for that. That's where we are as a program. On every episode, we always encourage people to show up. We always ask people to support the teams. But when the university goes toe-to-toe with the students on petty issues with tailgating, ultimately discouraging them to support their school, we aren't going to sit there and be silent about that. That goes for the gameday experience as well which has been underwhelming in the last few years. Doing people a disservice when you ask them to support a product that has been charged higher but hasn't improved results is what we are seeing now: less support.

    But for every negative, we try to bring out the positive. We constantly take photos of the stadium renovations to facility improvements. We encourage Krewe Allons. We encourage people to give to RCAF like we do. We constantly encourage creating conversation about UL Sports in the public sector when you're at the grocery or talking to someone at a coffee shop. Not everything can be sunshine and rainbows all of the time if they don't exist because at that point, we are lying to people. And we don't do that. It's why we have an "arm length's" relationship with the administration. They like what we do, but they sometimes don't like what we say. Well, we aren't going to sugar coat issues that are blatantly visible to the naked eye especially when it comes to support. The decisions they make affect how the public responds. That's on them whether good or bad. If we think it's a bad decision, we will say it is a bad decision. It's like when you questioned our approach in that postgame after the Southern Miss game. ANY postgame show in America whose team lost to a 2-7 team for the 11 straight time would have reacted the same exact way as we did that night. Logically, I don't see how that postgame could have brought ANY positive spin after a loss like that especially since we started the show like 10 minutes after the game ended.

    All in all, no matter who coaches here, no matter who the AD or President is, no matter who wears the Louisiana jersey; RR and RP will be here long after. At the end of the day, we are just fans. We are three guys who get in front of a computer screen and talk UL sports. We don't go to press conferences. We don't do all that stuff. If our content has elevated to the point where we are one of the main sources out there to get Cajun Athletics, we will take that as a huge compliment.

    Geaux Cajuns!

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