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Thread: Only solution

  1. #25

    Default Re: How to create excitement for UL Athletics?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJack55 View Post
    I would like to hear from one ex Cajun fan that stopped being a fan or supporter because of a fan podcast or message board. Just one Vic…
    Only because he’s embarrassed to show his face in public.

  2. Default Re: How to create excitement for UL Athletics?

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Poppa View Post
    Only because he’s embarrassed to show his face in public.
    . . . What are you talking about . . .

  3. #27

    Default Re: How to create excitement for UL Athletics?

    Quote Originally Posted by JAB View Post
    All of you are being silly. The idea that anyone has abandoned their fandom or become a new fan because of things said on this board is ridiculous.

    RP is nothing more than an echo chamber. A small echo chamber where the same 25 people rant about the same topics on a weekly cycle. Literally no one has ever developed hatred or love of UL because of anything said in here.
    You're not wrong except there's literally only 1 person here that is saying that RP and RR are running off fans

  4. #28

    Default Re: How to create excitement for UL Athletics?

    Quote Originally Posted by RedTails View Post
    If Ragin Review did not exist, the only people talking about Cajun Athletics would be the official UL social media accounts and Kevin Foote. Local radio coverage is nonexistent. The newspaper that formerly was the record of the city gives TSAB WBB equal coverage to UL football. It's ridiculous you go after three fans that spend hours pumping out free content after performing their full-time jobs.
    Because he's trolling to get a reaction without realizing that it's more detrimental to the fans than the accusations against RP and RR. Just look at this entire thread. It has gone sideways, once again like many others, because of this foolishness. If you were to ask who hurts the fanbase more between what RR does or a poster trolling RP while turning off other posters and fans, I am pretty sure that the majority wouldn't be saying it's RR.

  5. Default Re: How to create excitement for UL Athletics?

    . . . it’s pretty amazing that anyone would come here and tag the poster who doesn’t think his University or it’s players and coaches suck and then would even entertain an analysis as to whether that poster’s post or the podcast and posts by RR embracing the suck are more detrimental to Louisiana and it’s athletic programs . . . let that sink in . . .

  6. #30

    Default Re: How to create excitement for UL Athletics?

    Quote Originally Posted by JAB View Post
    Literally no one has ever developed hatred or love of UL because of anything said in here.
    Vehemently disagree with you on the first part of that sentence. Ragin Pagin and listening to local sports radio during college helped develop the love I have for UL athletics. It was the constant exposure. Now RP is a daily habit of mine.

  7. #31

    Default Re: How to create excitement for UL Athletics?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    . . . it’s pretty amazing that anyone would come here and tag the poster who doesn’t think his University or it’s players and coaches suck and then would even entertain an analysis as to whether that poster’s post or the podcast and posts by RR embracing the suck are more detrimental to Louisiana and it’s athletic programs . . . let that sink in . . .
    Because that particular poster consistently instigates while using “love for the university” as a cover for such antics. It’s so detrimental that the “ignore” button is very popular around these parts with said poster.

  8. #32

    Default Re: How to create excitement for UL Athletics?

    Nothing wrong with being critical. If you are not critical then how would you ever improve? Now with that being said

    Take a restaurant in Lafayette. That restaurant has to be on target for the first month. If that restaurant is terrible it will be busy for the first month and after that I give them maybe a year and they are shutting down.

    Same with the stadium redo if they redo this stadium and tailgating doesn’t change, if concessions are terrible, if parking is still a problem, and our football team is losing games it’s over the fans you attracted by the new stadium are gone!

    That’s why we need to be experimenting this next year with what works. I mean like tailgating if things don’t change it’s over. We spent 30 million for 2 games and every fan that you attracted by the new stadium, came to the game are going back to the house.

    These fans are not diehards they are casual fans. If I was a fan of Macoroni Grill and they suck I would probably still go back, but if I was a casual diner that goes eat out once a week I wouldn’t show back up. We are the fans of the Macoroni Grill that post on this forum.

    That’s why they better be on point, they better test everything and work out all the kinks when it comes to game day experience, better have lively interactive tailgating and fan engagement, and better have somewhat of an exciting team, and better compete and win when they open.

    Just like a restaurant the staff better be trained, the food better be pushed out and be on point, everything must be clicking if not Lafayette will show you the door.

    Same with this stadium !

    If a crowd of 30k show up and we can’t handle it. It’s over !!

    We better have Gordon Ramsey in the building maybe even John Taffer that first couple games when that stadium opens.

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  9. #33

    Default Re: How to create excitement for UL Athletics?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    . . . What are you talking about . . .
    If I trolled like you did on here I would stay home and watch on my patio to, as you have admittedly do several times on here. Tell me do you and JAB ever watch together.

  10. Default Re: How to create excitement for UL Athletics?

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Poppa View Post
    If I trolled like you did on here I would stay home and watch on my patio to, as you have admittedly do several times on here. Tell me do you and JAB ever watch together.
    . . . I posted that I attended the first football game this year and it was just too much because of my medical conditions . . . I guess that does not fit your agenda so you just disregarded it . . . I will be watching baseball in my seats . . . if that does not suit you, too bad . . .

  11. Default Re: How to create excitement for UL Athletics?

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    Because that particular poster consistently instigates while using “love for the university” as a cover for such antics. It’s so detrimental that the “ignore” button is very popular around these parts with said poster.
    . . . so now a post which may be equally important and possibly opposite in debate to “preach the suck” is instigation here . . . ok, my man . . . and yes, I do have a history of being on the opposite side of those that show up here only to “preach the suck” on a sports message board of the team and university which I support and if those I debate with are too weak to take the debate, they are certainly free to use the ignore button . . . but rest assured, all that demonstrates is weakness in their position and most of all weakness in their character . . . imagine a world where you just cancel all of those you don’t agree with . . . we are getting there, but is that the world that you and your fellow RR “preach the suck” boys support . . . RR did not used to be that way, but is has evolved to that . . . how refreshing it was to have Dave there in the last episode to balance the discussion . . . you three were squirming in your chairs and could not wait to have him exit, but he would not go . . . you were like a giddy 13 year old girl when he finally exited and the “preach the suck” could commence unabated for the third hour of the podcast . . . I challenge you to go back and listen to the whole podcast and come back here and let us know if that is not what you see . . . yes, there is a time, a need a value and a limit in constructive criticism . . . that is no longer what you guys stand for . . .

  12. Default Re: How to create excitement for UL Athletics?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    . . . so now a post which may be equally important and possibly opposite in debate to “preach the suck” is instigation here . . .
    It comes across as "instigation" because there is a difference between point/counterpoint discussions, and point/"preach the suck" end of discussion declarations.

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